Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16690 Discussions

De2 Verilog HDL LCD coding problem

Honored Contributor II

Good day. we are currently doing a project using altera de2 that requires us to use the lcd. we have 3 .v files and VErilog3 is our top module. 


module Verilog3( //////// CLOCK ////////// CLOCK_50, //////// KEY ////////// KEY, //////// LCD ////////// LCD_BLON, LCD_DATA, LCD_EN, LCD_ON, LCD_RS, LCD_RW, ); //======================================================= // PORT declarations //======================================================= //////////// CLOCK ////////// input CLOCK_50; //////////// KEY ////////// input KEY; //////////// LCD ////////// output LCD_BLON; inout LCD_DATA; output LCD_EN; output LCD_ON; output LCD_RS; output LCD_RW; reg Cont; wire DLY_RST; assign LCD_ON = 1'b1; assign LCD_BLON = 1'b1; always@(posedge CLOCK_50 or negedge KEY) begin if(!KEY) Cont <= 0; else Cont <= Cont+1; end lcd_test u0 ( // Host Side .iCLK ( CLOCK_50 ), .iRST_N ( DLY_RST ), // LCD Side .LCD_DATA ( LCD_DATA ), .LCD_RW ( LCD_RW ), .LCD_EN ( LCD_EN ), .LCD_RS ( LCD_RS ) , ); endmodule 


module lcd_test ( // Host Side iCLK,iRST_N, // LCD Side LCD_DATA,LCD_RW,LCD_EN,LCD_RS ); // Host Side input iCLK,iRST_N; // LCD Side output LCD_DATA; output LCD_RW,LCD_EN,LCD_RS; // Internal Wires/Registers reg LUT_INDEX; reg LUT_DATA; reg mLCD_ST; reg mDLY; reg mLCD_Start; reg mLCD_DATA; reg mLCD_RS; wire mLCD_Done; parameter LCD_INTIAL = 0; parameter LCD_LINE1 = 5; parameter LCD_CH_LINE = LCD_LINE1+16; parameter LCD_LINE2 = LCD_LINE1+16+1; parameter LUT_SIZE = LCD_LINE1+32+1; always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST_N) begin if(!iRST_N) begin LUT_INDEX <= 0; mLCD_ST <= 0; mDLY <= 0; mLCD_Start <= 0; mLCD_DATA <= 0; mLCD_RS <= 0; end else begin if(LUT_INDEX<LUT_SIZE) begin case(mLCD_ST) 0: begin mLCD_DATA <= LUT_DATA; mLCD_RS <= LUT_DATA; mLCD_Start <= 1; mLCD_ST <= 1; end 1: begin if(mLCD_Done) begin mLCD_Start <= 0; mLCD_ST <= 2; end end 2: begin if(mDLY<18'h3FFFE) mDLY <= mDLY+1; else begin mDLY <= 0; mLCD_ST <= 3; end end 3: begin LUT_INDEX <= LUT_INDEX+1; mLCD_ST <= 0; end endcase end end end always begin case(LUT_INDEX) // Initial LCD_INTIAL+0: LUT_DATA <= 9'h038; LCD_INTIAL+1: LUT_DATA <= 9'h00C; LCD_INTIAL+2: LUT_DATA <= 9'h001; LCD_INTIAL+3: LUT_DATA <= 9'h006; LCD_INTIAL+4: LUT_DATA <= 9'h080; // Line 1 LCD_LINE1+0: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120;// LCD_LINE1+1: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120;// LCD_LINE1+2: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120;// LCD_LINE1+3: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120;// LCD_LINE1+4: LUT_DATA <= 9'h153;// S LCD_LINE1+5: LUT_DATA <= 9'h169;// i LCD_LINE1+6: LUT_DATA <= 9'h167;// g LCD_LINE1+7: LUT_DATA <= 9'h16E;// n LCD_LINE1+8: LUT_DATA <= 9'h161;// a LCD_LINE1+9: LUT_DATA <= 9'h174;// t LCD_LINE1+10: LUT_DATA <= 9'h175;// u LCD_LINE1+11: LUT_DATA <= 9'h172;// r LCD_LINE1+12: LUT_DATA <= 9'h165;// e LCD_LINE1+13: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120;// LCD_LINE1+14: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120;// LCD_LINE1+15: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120;// // Change Line LCD_CH_LINE: LUT_DATA <= 9'h0C0; // Line 2 LCD_LINE2+0: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120;// LCD_LINE2+1: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120;// LCD_LINE2+2: LUT_DATA <= 9'h156;// V LCD_LINE2+3: LUT_DATA <= 9'h165;// e LCD_LINE2+4: LUT_DATA <= 9'h172;// r LCD_LINE2+5: LUT_DATA <= 9'h169;// i LCD_LINE2+6: LUT_DATA <= 9'h166;// f LCD_LINE2+7: LUT_DATA <= 9'h169;// i LCD_LINE2+8: LUT_DATA <= 9'h163;// c LCD_LINE2+9: LUT_DATA <= 9'h161;// a LCD_LINE2+10: LUT_DATA <= 9'h174;// t LCD_LINE2+11: LUT_DATA <= 9'h169;// i LCD_LINE2+12: LUT_DATA <= 9'h16F;// o LCD_LINE2+13: LUT_DATA <= 9'h16E;// n LCD_LINE2+14: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120;// LCD_LINE2+15: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120;// default: LUT_DATA <= 9'hxxx; endcase end LCD_Controller u0 ( // Host Side .iDATA(mLCD_DATA), .iRS(mLCD_RS), .iStart(mLCD_Start), .oDone(mLCD_Done), .iCLK(iCLK), .iRST_N(iRST_N), // LCD Interface .LCD_DATA(LCD_DATA), .LCD_RW(LCD_RW), .LCD_EN(LCD_EN), .LCD_RS(LCD_RS) ); endmodule  


module LCD_Controller ( // Host Side iDATA,iRS, iStart,oDone, iCLK,iRST_N, // LCD Interface LCD_DATA, LCD_RW, LCD_EN, LCD_RS ); // CLK parameter CLK_Divide = 16; // Host Side input iDATA; input iRS,iStart; input iCLK,iRST_N; output reg oDone; // LCD Interface output LCD_DATA; output reg LCD_EN; output LCD_RW; output LCD_RS; // Internal Register reg Cont; reg ST; reg preStart,mStart; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Only write to LCD, bypass iRS to LCD_RS assign LCD_DATA = iDATA; assign LCD_RW = 1'b0; assign LCD_RS = iRS; ///////////////////////////////////////////// always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST_N) begin if(!iRST_N) begin oDone <= 1'b0; LCD_EN <= 1'b0; preStart<= 1'b0; mStart <= 1'b0; Cont <= 0; ST <= 0; end else begin ////// Input Start Detect /////// preStart<= iStart; if({preStart,iStart}==2'b01) begin mStart <= 1'b1; oDone <= 1'b0; end ////////////////////////////////// if(mStart) begin case(ST) 0: ST <= 1; // Wait Setup 1: begin LCD_EN <= 1'b1; ST <= 2; end 2: begin if(Cont<CLK_Divide) Cont <= Cont+1; else ST <= 3; end 3: begin LCD_EN <= 1'b0; mStart <= 1'b0; oDone <= 1'b1; Cont <= 0; ST <= 0; end endcase end end end endmodule  


unfortunately when we synthesize it with our board, the display is dark and the 2nd line of our text is not displayed unless a certain button is pushed. can anyone help me fix our problem?we are using quartus ii 13.0. 

thanks in advance
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I think you should use SignalTap II tool for debugging your problem. 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

The DLY_RST is not connected to anything at the top level. Maybe it should be driven by the Cont register? 


Have you tried simulation? I think it is a simple state machine that you can validate its functions in modelsim. Note that the always for case LUT_INDEX is missing sensitivity list at the always.  

Either become always @ (*) or always @ (LUT_INDEX)
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