Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16642 Diskussionen

Download links not working




I have been trying to download Quartus Lite, ModelSim Starter and MAX V device support. Neither the multiple download or individual files buttons would lead me to the actual download (from the page

I get an error "Unreachable DNS".

The strangest part is that I was actually able to download these on another machine a month ago.

For the record, I tried two computers (on macOS 14, Windows 11 VM and Windows 10) and three browsers (Brave, Firefox and Edge), with adblockers disabled and JS enabled. It did not solve anything.

It also seems like this was an issue around 2021 too.

Could you please adress this?


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1 Lösung

EDIT: it still does not work from Intel's website but I found out that you can guess the alternative URLs by looking at the filenames on Intel's download page. Here are the ones I was trying to download. If you want another version, just modify the URL parts in bold with the informations for your version on Intel's download page.


Quartus :

ModelSim : 

MAX V : 


It is just kind of a shame that you have to guess the download link lol.


PS : if the links do not work for you, try to copy-paste them instead of clicking on them.


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3 Antworten

EDIT: it still does not work from Intel's website but I found out that you can guess the alternative URLs by looking at the filenames on Intel's download page. Here are the ones I was trying to download. If you want another version, just modify the URL parts in bold with the informations for your version on Intel's download page.


Quartus :

ModelSim : 

MAX V : 


It is just kind of a shame that you have to guess the download link lol.


PS : if the links do not work for you, try to copy-paste them instead of clicking on them.



EDIT 2: seems to work now but I'll let this on for future issues to have a backup solution...


Thanks for update, hope everything is working well at your side. This thread will be transitioned to community support. If you have a new question, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Otherwise, the community users will continue to help you on this thread. Thank you
