Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Error: WYSIWYG primitive "mac_mult1" has DATAB port with specified width of 12, but o

Honored Contributor II




I came across the following error message: 

Error: WYSIWYG primitive "mac_mult1" has DATAB port with specified width of 12, but only 0 bits are connected 


Double clicking leads me one file in db folder and I could not locate the actual location. 



I found similar thread here and the thread says there is possibility of typo of names in the design (I am using connection by names). However, I didn't modify the file over some time and a few minutes before it compiled successfully. 


My design is huge and finding each element is a headache. Is there anyway to locate the actual part in the design file? 


Thanks for any help or suggestion!
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

what are you designing in? graphical design? if your file is huge then thats your problem, you should have broken it down more maybe 


try deleting the "db" folder.
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

what are you designing in? graphical design? if your file is huge then thats your problem, you should have broken it down more maybe 


try deleting the "db" folder. 

--- Quote End ---  




Thank you, Tricky. 

Yes, I am using schematic method.  

I deleted the "db" folder but it didn't change anything. I noticed that in the project navigator, there is a tdf file pointing out the location in the db folder. Do you think it is good to delete the tdf file from the project navigator? I am wondering the tdf file is automatically included when Quartus is doing compilation.  


What do you mean by "broken down"? You meant hierarchical design? If you meant it, I already did it that way; Clicking some schematic blocks, it leads inside the block. And inside the block, there are other sub-blocks, and I can go inside by clicking the blocks again until I meet unit elements (primitives or mega-functions) which Altera provided for design. 



Thanks for the comments!
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Honored Contributor II

basically, it sounds like something is unconnected somewhere. I wouldnt delete a file if its in the project navigator as you probably need it. The DB folder is just temporary files. 


Unfortunatly because you've used schematics simulation is not really an option.
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Honored Contributor II

Resolved by RTL viewer. It displayed disconnected ports!

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