Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16624 Discussions

Hello_world doesn't work for Arria 10 ubuntu 14.04

Honored Contributor II

1. quartus 17.0, ubuntu 14.04, opencl 

2. Arria10 is used. 

3. all diagnose pass. 



aoc device/ -o bin/hello_world.aocx --board a10gx 


Error message in hello_world.log 

System name: hello_world 

java: /build/swbuild/SJ/nightly/17.0.2/297/l64/p4/quartus/ccl/ver/ver_jni_stub.cpp:122: jboolean Java_com_altera_version_AlteraProductInfo_initialize(JNIEnv*, jobject): Assertion `success' failed. 

Aborted (core dumped)
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23 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Make sure you are using the same version of Quartus and AOC (quartus_map --version and aoc --version should return the same number). Also unless you are using Altera's reference Arria 10 board, you should not be using Quartus/AOC v17.0.2, and instead use the version that matches your board's BSP version.

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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Make sure you are using the same version of Quartus and AOC (quartus_map --version and aoc --version should return the same number). Also unless you are using Altera's reference Arria 10 board, you should not be using Quartus/AOC v17.0.2, and instead use the version that matches your board's BSP version. 

--- Quote End ---  



quartus_map --version: 

Quartus Prime Analysis & Synthesis 

Version 17.0.2 Build 297 07/19/2017 SJ Pro Edition 



aoc --version  

Intel(R) FPGA SDK for OpenCL(TM), 64-bit Offline Compiler 

Version 17.0.2 Build 297 


they are same. Yes, I have Arria 10 board.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Okay, your environment seems to be correct. Can you also test compilation on CentOS? Even though Ubuntu is now officially supported in Quartus v17.0, I am not sure if everything would work correctly yet. Assuming that you run into the same problem on CentOS, I recommend opening a support ticket directly with Altera.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Let's try CentOS, to be precise, CentOS 7.3. 

I pass aocl diagnose, again when I try to run hello-world example, it is not a beautify World anymore. Here is the error message: 

aoc device/ -o bin/hello_world.aocx --board a10gx 

Error: Error opening /home/fpga/Downloads/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_kernel_sender_cra_cra_ring.ip. 

Error: Error opening /home/fpga/Downloads/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_reorder_const_cra_cra_ring.ip. 

Error: Error opening /home/fpga/Downloads/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_mem_writestream_cra_cra_ring.ip. 

Error: Error opening /home/fpga/Downloads/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_boardtest_system.ip. 

Error: Error opening /home/fpga/Downloads/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_kernel_receiver_cra_cra_ring.ip. 

Error: Error opening /home/fpga/Downloads/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_nop_cra_cra_ring.ip. 

Error: Error opening /home/fpga/Downloads/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_mem_readstream_cra_cra_ring.ip. 

Error: Error opening /home/fpga/Downloads/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_mem_read_writestream_cra_cra_ring.ip. 

Error: Quartus Prime IP Generation Tool was unsuccessful. 8 errors, 0 warnings 

Error (293001): Quartus Prime Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 10 errors, 0 warnings 

Error: Flow compile (for project /home/fpga/Downloads/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top) was not successful 

Error: ERROR: Error(s) found while running an executable. See report file(s) for error message(s). Message log indicates which executable was run last. 

Error (23031): Evaluation of Tcl script /home/fpga/intelFPGA_pro/17.0/quartus/common/tcl/internal/qsh_flow.tcl unsuccessful 

Error: Quartus Prime Shell was unsuccessful. 17 errors, 0 warnings 

Error: Compiler Error, not able to generate hardware 


I dig more, the problem seems: 

home/fpga/intelFPGA_pro/17.0/qsys/bin/qsys-generate {--family=Arria 10}  

--clear-output-directory --synthesis=verilog --part=10AX115S2F45I1SG --block-symbol-file --pro --quartus project=/home/fpga/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top --rev=flat /home/fpga/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_kernel_sender_cra_cra_ring.ip 

2017.09.06.17:26:53 Error: Unrecognized switch 2 

2017.09.06.17:26:53 Error: Unrecognized switch 3 


it fails to generate kernel_system_avs_kernel_sender_cra_cra_ring.ip 

Does anyone know what is "Unrecognized switch 2/3"?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I shall start another thread for that for it is related to Centos

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

"Error: Error opening..." generally points to an unstable storage or permission issues. I believe the error you get after those is caused by the fact that a lot of important files cannot be read/written during compilation.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I have run as a root, but get same issues. 

I have installed n two different hard disks. but get same issues. 

I believe the culprit is relating to qsys-generate fails to generate kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_kernel_sender_cra_cra_ring.ip e.g. 



home/fpga/intelFPGA_pro/17.0/qsys/bin/qsys-generate {--family=Arria 10} --clear-output-directory --synthesis=verilog --part=10AX115S2F45I1SG --block-symbol-file --pro --quartus project=/home/fpga/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/top -rev=flat /home/fpga/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_kernel_sender_cra_cra_ring.ip 

2017.09.06.17:26:53 Error: Unrecognized switch 2
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Can you post the full quartus_sh_compile.log? It is quite unlikely that there is an issue in Altera's toolchain or else there should be a lot of people reporting the same issue.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

HRZ, I had the same issue. Initially, you said it was my storage being full/unstable. I tried it again on different host machine and storage device and got the same error. Is Quartus 17 tested on CentOS 7 at all?

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I have tested on CentOS 7.0, same errors. Here is attachment. My guess is that we properly miss some packages.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

HRZ, I had the same issue. Initially, you said it was my storage being full/unstable. I tried it again on different host machine and storage device and got the same error. Is Quartus 17 tested on CentOS 7 at all? 

--- Quote End ---  



You initially replied that your storage was unstable, so I thought the issue has been resolved, but now there are two people reporting the exact same issue on the exact same OS. This could mean the problem might actually be from Altera. I recommend both of you to open a ticket with Altera's support and report the issue. CentOS 7 has been supported since Quartus v16 (or maybe even before that), but they probably do not test every version on every OS. There had been cases before where OpenCL compilation was completely broken in the new version they released. 


P.S. For the sake of completeness, can you guys temporarily disable SELinux and try again? Of course SELinux must remain enabled for maximum security, but if that is the source of problem, it would be easier to find a solution for it.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

FYI: I have disabled the SELinux ad tried again. now sestatus command shows SELinux status: disabled. 

but I still get same errors.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  


it fails to generate kernel_system_avs_kernel_sender_cra_cra_ring.ip 


--- Quote End ---  



Got exactly same ip files missing. Running stuff under Windows 10. Have you found solution yet?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I am having the same issues while running Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL and Quartus 17.0.2 on CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 and compiling for Arria10. 

Intel software generates .aocx files successfully but I am having issues with Quartus projects. 


I am running the same versions of Quartus and AOC: 


quartus_map --version: 

Quartus Prime Analysis & Synthesis 

Version 17.0.2 Build 297 07/19/2017 SJ Pro Edition 



aoc --version  

Intel(R) FPGA SDK for OpenCL(TM), 64-bit Offline Compiler 

Version 17.0.2 Build 297 


These are warnings I get in quartus_sh_comile.log: 


Warning (16124): Can't analyze file ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_kernel_sender_cra_cra_ring.ip - no such file exists 

Warning (16124): Can't analyze file ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_reorder_const_cra_cra_ring.ip - no such file exists 

Warning (16124): Can't analyze file ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_mem_writestream_cra_cra_ring.ip - no such file exists 

Warning (16124): Can't analyze file ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_boardtest_system.ip - no such file exists 

Warning (16124): Can't analyze file ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_kernel_receiver_cra_cra_ring.ip - no such file exists 

Warning (16124): Can't analyze file ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_nop_cra_cra_ring.ip - no such file exists 

Warning (16124): Can't analyze file ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_mem_readstream_cra_cra_ring.ip - no such file exists 

Warning (16124): Can't analyze file ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_mem_read_writestream_cra_cra_ring.ip - no such file exists 


These are errors I get in quartus when compiling project: 


Error: Error opening /home/plokhovska/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_kernel_sender_cra_cra_ring.ip. 

Error: Error opening /home/plokhovska/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_reorder_const_cra_cra_ring.ip. 

Error: Error opening /home/plokhovska/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_mem_writestream_cra_cra_ring.ip. 

Error: Error opening /home/plokhovska/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_boardtest_system.ip. 

Error: Error opening /home/plokhovska/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_kernel_receiver_cra_cra_ring.ip. 

Error: Error opening /home/plokhovska/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_nop_cra_cra_ring.ip. 

Error: Error opening /home/plokhovska/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_mem_readstream_cra_cra_ring.ip. 

Error: Error opening /home/plokhovska/helloworld/hello_world/bin/hello_world/ip/kernel_system/kernel_system_avs_mem_read_writestream_cra_cra_rin g.ip.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



Also using 17.0.2 

same warnings/errors in quartus_sh_comile.log/quartus project compilation log 


The only difference is that I'm using Windows 10, as I posted in my first post.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I just tested v17.0.2 on my own environment. The standard PR (Partial Reconfiguration) flow works fine, but the flat flow is indeed broken. I get the same error as everyone else. Still, the default flow should be the PR flow and I am wondering why you guys are being defaulted to the flat flow. I will open a support request with Altera.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

I just tested v17.0.2 on my own environment. The standard PR (Partial Reconfiguration) flow works fine, but the flat flow is indeed broken. I get the same error as everyone else. Still, the default flow should be the PR flow and I am wondering why you guys are being defaulted to the flat flow. I will open a support request with Altera. 

--- Quote End ---  



HRZ, thanks for an answer and the tip. Still wondering how to force/set explicitly that PR flow? Currently trying --bsp_flow base command and wating for results. Am I on the right track? 


Also, is it possible that flat flow is defaulted because I don't have an actual board plugged in?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

So, it works with --bsp_flow base 


At least I was able to do Analysis@Synthesis and Place and Route in Quartus with no problems. Don't now yet if it really works as intended as a sheme.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

To be honest I am not sure. I only know how to force the flat flow, I have no idea how to force the PR flow. The PR flow has always been the default flow and on my environment, the compiler still seems to default to that flow even with 17.0.2. I checked altera's documents again for v17, there is no mention of the flat flow. Even though this flow has existed for a long time, it was never documented, but they seem to have changed something in v17.0.2. Assuming that aoc accepts the "--bsp_flow" switch, I think you should probably use "--bsp_flow top" rather than "base" for the standard PR flow, but I could be wrong. 


Regarding the board being connected or not, compilation does not require the board to be present and whether the board is present or not should not make any difference in this case.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

To be honest I am not sure. I only know how to force the flat flow, I have no idea how to force the PR flow. The PR flow has always been the default flow and on my environment, the compiler still seems to default to that flow even with 17.0.2. I checked altera's documents again for v17, there is no mention of the flat flow. Even though this flow has existed for a long time, it was never documented, but they seem to have changed something in v17.0.2. Assuming that aoc accepts the "--bsp_flow" switch, I think you should probably use "--bsp_flow top" rather than "base" for the standard PR flow, but I could be wrong. 


Regarding the board being connected or not, compilation does not require the board to be present and whether the board is present or not should not make any difference in this case. 

--- Quote End ---  



I tried compiling one of Intel design examples with "--bsp_flow top" and I am still receiving the same errors.
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