Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16666 Discussions

How can I generate pof from sof in the command mode?

Honored Contributor II

Hi members. 


I'm trying to solve below two problems for last several days. 

The environment used is 

- Stratix IV 530 device 

- CFI_256MB for configuration 

- All comand-mode synthesis, P&R and configuration file generation 

(quartus_sh -t project_name.tcl) 


1. Can't convert sof file to pof with command as below. The command does not support CFI_256MB maybe. 

set CPF_ARGS "-c -o --configuration_mode=FPP -o --frequency=50.0MHz 

-o --start_address=0x01FF0000 -d CFI_256MB $PROJECT_NAME.sof $PROJECT_NAME.pof" 



if {[catch {execute_module -tool cpf -args $CPF_ARGS} result]} { 

puts "\nResult: $result\n" 

puts "ERROR: Quartus Programming File Converter failed. See the report file.\n" 

qexit -error 

} else { 

puts "\nINFO: Quartus Programming File Converter was successful.\n" 


2. I want to insert signal tap into my design using script. I found how to insert stp file to the tcl script. But still don't know how to make stp file itself. 


Waiting for comments. 



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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Hi members. 

2. I want to insert signal tap into my design using script. I found how to insert stp file to the tcl script. But still don't know how to make stp file itself. 

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When I look into a few example .stp files, they look like they're following some simple XML format. Probably you can write your script to generate it that way. Of course, be careful when specifying the net names (try and manually generate an stp first to know the exact format, before generating it using a script). 


It gets tricky when the stp includes an "embedded sof" (<embedded_sof_file/> tags) though. Think you could open your SOF with a text/hex editor and copy/paste it into the stp manually, provided you have only one SOF to play around with. With multiple sofs, it get a bit more complicated (your script will need to do file I/Os to read each of the SOFs, and place that data into the generated STP).
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