Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16623 Discussions

How to run VHDL code on Altera DE2?

Honored Contributor II

Hello! I am newbie in FPGA, but all last mounth I try understand how it works :) I am create some simple projects like calculator or binary clock on Altera DE2 by whatching some video lessons. And now i want to run on Altera DE2 some hash function algorythm. I am understand how it works as programming algorythm, but I can't understand how to run it on this board. VHDL code of this algorythm I download from this ( /  

I am create a new project in Quartus II and add in it VHDL files. Compilation was successful, but it's not working on board. I think it's because of I am not write pins on Assignment Editor in Quartus II and Quartus compile this code with random pins. (But I am not understand about it). But after reading Altera DE2 User Manual I am can't understand how work with memory on this board.  

So, may be can help me create working Quartus II project with this algorythm?
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II


first you need to understand what are the inputs and outputs that the board has and what are the inputs and outputs the algorithm module has. 


From a quick look, the algorithm module takes a clock, a start and done signal and a 64x64 bit memory input interface and a 64x64 bit memory output interface. 

Of course, there's nothing on the board that can actually interface with this directly. 

So, you'll need to create a VHDL module where you instantiate the algorithm module, along with some kind of interface to the board's hardware. 


One quick way you can get it working in simulation: 

Create a module when you instantiate the algorithm module plus 2 64x64 altsyncsram modules (from the MegaWizard). 

One of the memory modules will be your input, the other the output. 

Create and set a .hex file on the input memory block with some data. 

Then give the design a "start" pulse and see that it writes the output on the output memory block. 


Once you have this working on simulation, you can make it work on hardware. 

- Assign the clock, reset, start and done signals. 

- Enable the In-System memory editor, this will allow you to write and read the contents of the memory blocks through the JTAG interface.
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Honored Contributor II



I am new to Altera FPGA too. But attach a extract of document that helped me get started. If you get more detail about the DE2 I might be able to help you.  


I hope this will help you.
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