Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16672 Discussions

Issue with DE2-115 and Terasic Multi-Touch LCD

Honored Contributor II

When I try to compile a demo provided by Terasic, I encountered an error: 


Can't find valid feature line for core i2c_touch (535C_0018) in current license. 


I then proceed to add the license file by copying and pasting the contenting of the multi-touch license .dat file to the end of the Quartus II license.dat file. The error persisted.  


In the License Setup page, it clearly shows that 535C_0018 is licensed. Am I missing something obvious here? I obtained the original license.dat file from Altera and saved it in altera\15.0\licenses\.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Which version of Quartus II are you using? Have you check the maintenance date of the license file that you get? Have you combination of the license file with other version of Quartus II?

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Honored Contributor II


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Which version of Quartus II are you using? Have you check the maintenance date of the license file that you get? Have you combination of the license file with other version of Quartus II? 

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Is there any solution about this issue, as we are also facing this problem. I try to directly download and compile the original reference design from Terasic website. The Qsys generation is successful but FAILED in Quartus compilation. Keep having the error: 


Error (292014): Can't find valid feature line for core i2c_touch (535C_0018) in current license. 

Error (10003): Can't open encrypted VHDL or Verilog HDL file "C:/Users/SoC/Downloads/VEEK-MT_v.1.4.0_SystemCD/Demonstrations/Picture_Viewer/DE2_115_SOPC/synthesis/submodules/i2c_touch_config.v" -- current license file does not contain a valid license for encrypted file 


The working environment: Quartus II 15.0 (64-bit) 

License: Terasic (535C), Product: 0026, Version: 9999.12, Expiration: Permanent
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