Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16624 Discussions

Issues with output of register values

Honored Contributor II

I am trying to create a chip that takes 512 bit data through the data bus, process that and produces a 512 bit data. 

I am having issues with outputting the processed data through the output pins. For now, Roughly system consists of two verilog files which are say process.v and testbench.v 


Issue is that whenever I try to output the processed data[saved in reg variables] the Altera Quartus gets stuck on the compilation process[no errors]. The process file consists of the following format 


module Process(input clk, input startInput, input getResult, input [31:0] ip1,input [31:0] ip2,output reg [31:0] op1)  

reg [31:0] input1 [15:0],  

reg [31 : 0] input2 [15:0], 

reg [31 to 0] temp [15:0] 

always at (posedge clk) begin 

initialize and read ip1, ip2 value from testbench on startInput and store to input1 and input2 

process: temp = input1[] + input2[]//loop 

output op1[] = temp[] // step 3, loop 



Now, system takes forever to finish the compilation process when I add step3. If I say op1[0] = 32'h0, compilation process goes smoothly. Not sure why that would be the case. I would like the data to be read by a databus from the output pins.  


Sorry for the long question..Im lost and any suggestions would be helpful.
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

why not post the real code?

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Honored Contributor II

Its too large to be posted;)..I believe there are some non-synthesizable components in the code..Im trying to change them..will get back if required. Thanks for your response.

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Honored Contributor II

You say, you are compiling a testbench, that reads data in a loop in Quartus. This most likely won't work. 


Quartus can compile synthesizable designs, testbenches have to be processed in ModelSim.
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