Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16623 Discussions

Loading IP-blocks from IP folder doesn't work

Honored Contributor II

Hi, I have a 4 software IP-blocks that I want to be installed under /drivers i the Nios II Software Build Tools for Eclipse. 

From my instructor I got an IP-folder containing 3 Ip-blocks: BeMicro_Max_SDRAM folder, BeMicro_VGA_IP folder, and TIMER_HW_IP folder and their .h-files are put by the tool after project set up into /drivers. 


But my own IP-block VGA_UTIL_IP is not installed by the tool. Two things happens: 


i. It refuses to create the project completely, giving me the error message 

SEVERE: File not found "C:\Users\root\Documents\Ceng_100\Konstruktionsdokument\ip\VGA_UTIL_IP\HAL\inc\altera_avalon_timer_regs.h". 

SEVERE: File not found "C:\Users\root\Documents\Ceng_100\Konstruktionsdokument\ip\VGA_UTIL_IP\HAL\inc\altera_avalon_timer_regs.h". 

SEVERE: nios2-bsp-create-settings failed. 


Here is what bothers me: VGA_UTIL_IP does not use altera_avalon_timer_regs.h, only TIMER_HW_IP uses it. 


ii. If I add altera_avalon_timer_regs.h to HAL/inc,just to get rid of the error message, the project is generated but the tool does not put my vga_util.h in /drivers/inc nor the vga_util.c in /drivers/src 


The name of my folder is VGA_UTIL_IP, and the tcl script is named VGA_UTIL_IP_sw.tcl and looks like this: 


create_driver VGA_UTIL_IP 

set_sw_property hw_class_name VGA_UTIL_IP 

set_sw_property version 1 

set_sw_property min_compatible_hw_version 1.0 

set_sw_property bsp_subdirectory drivers 

add_sw_property include_source HAL/inc/vga_util.h 

add_sw_property c_source HAL/src/vga_util.c 

add_sw_property supported_bsp_type HAL 



Why does this not work?:confused::confused::confused: 


I am doing an include of an .h-file found from my instructors ip, in my ip# include <BeMicro_VGA_IP_Driver.h> 

Could it be that when the tool is interpretating my tcl-script it searches for that .h-file above, doesn't find it, and points the error message in wrong direction, so to speak? 


Greateful for some help 

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