Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16597 Discussions

ModelSim ALTSYNCRAM Issues

Honored Contributor II

Hi there, 


I use the altera 2-port RAM megefunction in my design holding 4 x 8bits. I have seperate read and write clocks, where the read clock is clocked on negedge and the write is on posedge. When I run in modelsim I get the following error: 

# Warning: read_during_write_mode_mixed_ports is assumed as OLD_DATA 


Now, I have gone back and changed the megafunction so it is now set to DONT_CARE, however, I still get the same error. I've even set both input clocks to be exactly the same just incase, but it is still the same error. Any ideas?
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I think the clue to this "error", is that its not an error, just a warning - hence the Warning at the start of he sentence. This is to do with how the ram behaves. Given you're using opposite edges of the same clock you wont ever get a read - during write clash. So you can safely ignore the warning (not an error).

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Honored Contributor II

Thank you for your reply. 


This is what I thought. The reason why I was concerned about this error is because when I simulate in ModelSim the simulation stays stuck at 0ns, it doesn't move forward at all and just hangs. Any ideas why this might be happening? Im having this issue when trying to simulate some of my other modules but I'm getting no errors or warnings, nor can I find anything when I google it.
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Honored Contributor II

For clarity, this doesn't happen for every module I try to simulate.

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Honored Contributor II

Here's one other module I'm trying to simulate that has this issue. So far, I've only managed to simulate one module which didn't try to infer RAM/ROM, which might somehow be significant. This is for an ALU with mult and add which stores some constants locally - I've edited it to operate without a clock hoping that might make a different (for the constant storage) but still no luck. I was originally running modelsim through quartus, but I am now running it separately with sv files added to a project. It is within this project I have managed to simulate another module (a PC with a stall command) 



module ALU( ALU_Func, A, B, Out, Cout, //clk, SW ); //Input, Output and internal signals input logic ALU_Func; input logic A; input logic B; input logic SW; //input logic clk; output logic Out; output logic Cout; logic Multout; logic Addout; logic Addinterim; logic Const; logic A2; //Conststore conststore(/*clk,*/ALU_Func,Const); //Constant Store always begin case (ALU_Func) 3'b000: begin Const <= 8'b01100000; end 3'b001: begin Const <= 8'b01000000; end 3'b010: begin Const <= 8'b11000000; end 3'b011: begin Const <= 8'b01100000; end 3'b100: begin Const <= 8'b00010100; end 3'b101: begin Const <= 8'b11101100; end 3'b110: begin Const <= 8'b00000000; end 3'b111: begin Const <= 8'b00000000; end endcase end //Output Multiplex always begin if (ALU_Func == 3'b000 | ALU_Func == 3'b001 | ALU_Func == 3'b010 | ALU_Func == 3'b011) begin Out = Multout; end else if (ALU_Func == 3'b100 | ALU_Func == 3'b101 | ALU_Func == 3'b110) begin Out = Addout; end else begin Out = SW; end end //Multiplier always begin Multout = Const * B; end //Adder and constant multiplex always begin if (ALU_Func == 3'b100 | ALU_Func == 3'b101 /*| ALU_Func == 3'b000| ALU_Func == 3'b001*/) //ALU_Funcs for the addition of b1 and b2 A2 = Const; else A2 = A; {Cout,Addout} = {A2,A2} + {B,B}; end endmodule 



`timescale 1 us / 1 ns module testbenchALU(); logic ALU_Func; logic A; logic B; logic SW; //logic clk; logic Out; logic Cout; ALU alu(ALU_Func,A,B,Out,Cout/*,clk*/,SW); /* initial begin clk = 0; forever begin # 10ns clk= 1; # 10ns clk = 0; end end */ initial begin ALU_Func = 3'b000; A = 8'h01; B = 8'h01; SW = 8'h02; # 10ns ALU_Func = 3'b001; A = 8'h01; B = 8'h01; SW = 8'h02; # 20ns ALU_Func = 3'b010; A = 8'h01; B = 8'h01; SW = 8'h02; # 20ns ALU_Func = 3'b011; A = 8'h01; B = 8'h01; SW = 8'h02; # 20ns ALU_Func = 3'b100; A = 8'h01; B = 8'h01; SW = 8'h02; # 20ns ALU_Func = 3'b101; A = 8'h01; B = 8'h01; SW = 8'h02; # 20ns ALU_Func = 3'b110; A = 8'h01; B = 8'h01; SW = 8'h02; # 20ns ALU_Func = 3'b111; A = 8'h01; B = 8'h01; SW = 8'h02; # 20ns ALU_Func = 3'b000; A = 8'h01; B = 8'h01; SW = 8'h02; end endmodule
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Honored Contributor II

none of your always blocks have sensitivity lists - so they are going to loop forever - causing your lockup. you probably need to change it to  


always @(posedge clock)
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Honored Contributor II

You are absolutely right - my always blocks should have been defined as always_comb, thank you :)

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