Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16666 Discussions

ModelSim reports type mismatch in SOPC Builder generated Code

Honored Contributor II



I have a problem simulating my SOPC builder generated system. If I compile my design in ModelSim SE 6.5b I get the following errors: 



--- Quote Start ---  

# ** Error: C:/Workspace/BB_CMMB/cmmb_remux.vhd(15323): (vopt-1133) Type mismatch for port "slave_address" in component "clock_crossing_0" when binding to entity "clock_crossing_0".# ** Error: C:/Workspace/BB_CMMB/cmmb_remux.vhd(15323): (vopt-1133) Type mismatch for port "slave_nativeaddress" in component "clock_crossing_0" when binding to entity "clock_crossing_0".# ** Error: C:/Workspace/BB_CMMB/cmmb_remux.vhd(15323): (vopt-1133) Type mismatch for port "master_nativeaddress" in component "clock_crossing_0" when binding to entity "clock_crossing_0".# ** Error: C:/Workspace/BB_CMMB/clock_crossing_0.vhd(275): Vopt Compiler exiting 

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The corresponding code is the following 


--the_clock_crossing_0, which is an e_ptf_instance the_clock_crossing_0 : clock_crossing_0 port map( ... master_nativeaddress(0) => clock_crossing_0_m1_nativeaddress, ... slave_address(0) => clock_crossing_0_s1_address, ... slave_nativeaddress(0) => clock_crossing_0_s1_nativeaddress, ... );with the following port/signal definitions 


... signal clock_crossing_0_m1_nativeaddress : STD_LOGIC; ... signal clock_crossing_0_s1_address : STD_LOGIC; ... signal clock_crossing_0_s1_nativeaddress : STD_LOGIC; ...and 


component clock_crossing_0 is port ( -- inputs: ... signal slave_address : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 DOWNTO 0); ... signal slave_nativeaddress : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 DOWNTO 0); ... -- outputs: ... signal master_nativeaddress : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 DOWNTO 0); ... ); end component clock_crossing_0;I dont have problems compiling the design with Quartus II 9.1SP1. So the only workaround I see is to compile it in Quartus II and use the generated *.vho in ModelSim. 


Any other suggestions ? 


Thanks in advance
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

try turning off vopt, as i recall there are some incompatibilities with Quartus II and ModelSim 6.5+.

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Honored Contributor II

Yeah, this was my first though, but then I get a similar error (the types are incompatible anyway) I'm not in the office anymore, so I cant copy the error message, but I think it was vsim telling me the types are incompatible. 

I have another approach now, since it's working if I start the functinal simulation as native link from Quartus II. If I find the error I'll tell you tomorrow, anyway I would appreciate if somebody already knows what I have to do to solve the problem..
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Honored Contributor II

With option -novopt I get the following error: 



--- Quote Start ---  

# Fatal error in Architecture europa at C:/Workspace/BB_CMMB/clock_crossing_0.vhd line 442# while elaborating region: /cmmb_remux/the_clock_crossing_0# Load interrupted 

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I really dont know how to get rid of this error except fix the error manually in the file. But this can't be the solution ..
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

can you file a bug report in an SR?

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Honored Contributor II

Okay, just submitted the SR. 


The only workaround I found was to add an address to the slave interface which is connected through the clock crossing bridge to the NIOS.
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Honored Contributor II

The altera support told me that this will be corrected soon. 


Till it's fixed I suggest the described workaround if somebody is dealing with the same problem.
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