Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16679 Discussions

Modelsim Fatal error: "TOO MANY PORT CONNECTONS" Help me!

Honored Contributor II

Hi guys: 


I tried to load a testbench in Modelsim after successful compilation in Quartus and Modelsim. But it encountered a fatal error: "** Fatal: (vsim-3365) /home/yumeng/Desktop/proc_testbench.v(33): Too many port connections. Expected 9, found 20."  


It seems that the ports of module System are mismatched but I think it works well. 


Code of the System module: 


/* Altered System module for testbench. */ module System(DIN, Reset, PB, clock, WR_MEM_out, ADDR_out, DOUT_out, DONE, IR_out, R0_out, R1_out, R2_out, R3_out, R4_out, R5_out, R6_out, R7_out, A_out, G_out, CW); input DIN; input Reset; input PB; input clock; output wire WR_MEM_out; output wire DOUT_out; output wire ADDR_out; output wire DONE; output wire IR_out; output wire R0_out; output wire R1_out; output wire R2_out; output wire R3_out; output wire R4_out; output wire R5_out; output wire R6_out; output wire R7_out; output wire G_out; output wire A_out; //Control Wires output wire CW; wire gnz; wire BusWires; //Enables wire R0_en, R1_en, R2_en, R3_en, R4_en, R5_en, R6_en, R7_en, A_en, G_en, IR_en; wire ADD_SUB, COUNT_en, ADDR_en, DOUT_en, WR_MEM_en; wire Mux_sel; assign Mux_sel = CW; assign R0_en = CW; assign R1_en = CW; assign R2_en = CW; assign R3_en = CW; assign R4_en = CW; assign R5_en = CW; assign R6_en = CW; assign R7_en = CW; assign A_en = CW; assign G_en = CW; assign IR_en = CW; assign ADD_SUB = CW; assign COUNT_en = CW; assign ADDR_en = CW; assign DOUT_en = CW; assign WR_MEM_en = CW; //Data not defined in output wire ADD_SUB_out; wire X_REG; wire Y_REG; //Instantiate Registers registers R0(Reset, R0_en, clock, BusWires, R0_out); registers R1(Reset, R1_en, clock, BusWires, R1_out); registers R2(Reset, R2_en, clock, BusWires, R2_out); registers R3(Reset, R3_en, clock, BusWires, R3_out); registers R4(Reset, R4_en, clock, BusWires, R4_out); registers R5(Reset, R5_en, clock, BusWires, R5_out); registers R6(Reset, R6_en, clock, BusWires, R6_out); registers_count R7(Reset, R7_en, COUNT_en, clock, BusWires, R7_out); registers A(Reset, A_en, clock, BusWires, A_out); register_g G(Reset, G_en, clock, ADD_SUB_out, G_out, gnz); registers IR(Reset, IR_en, clock, DIN, IR_out); registers ADDR(Reset, ADDR_en, clock, BusWires, ADDR_out); registers DOUT(Reset, DOUT_en, clock, BusWires, DOUT_out); flip_flop WR_MEM(Reset, clock, WR_MEM_en, WR_MEM_out); add_sub stuff(A_out, BusWires, ADD_SUB, ADD_SUB_out); data_mux mux(Mux_sel, R0_out, R1_out, R2_out, R3_out, R4_out, R5_out, R6_out, R7_out, DIN, G_out, BusWires); three_to_8_decoder x_decoder(IR_out,X_REG); three_to_8_decoder y_decoder(IR_out,Y_REG); control M1(IR_out, X_REG, Y_REG, PB, Reset, clock, gnz, CW, DONE); endmodule  




Code for part of the testbench: 


`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps module proc_testbench; wire PB; /* Run */ wire Reset; wire enable; /* a generic write enable */ wire wren; wire leden; wire done; wire clock; wire mem_out; wire address; wire dout; wire IR; wire REG0; wire REG1; wire REG2; wire REG3; wire REG4; wire REG5; wire REG6; wire PC; /* Register 7 */ wire AR; wire GR; wire led_out; /* LED output */ wire control; assign wren = (~address && ~address && ~address && ~address)?(enable):0; assign leden = (~address && ~address && ~address && ~address)?0:(enable); proc_gen StimulusGenerator (PB, Reset, clock); System DUV_1 (mem_out, Reset, PB, clock, enable, address, dout, done, IR, REG0, REG1, REG2, REG3, REG4, REG5, REG6, PC, AR, GR, control); irram DUV_2 (address, clock, dout, wren, mem_out); register_LED DUV_3 (Reset, leden, clock, dout, led_out); proc_check Checker (mem_out, Reset, PB, enable, wren, leden, done, clock, address, dout, control, done, IR, REG0, REG1, REG2, REG3, REG4, REG5, REG6, PC, AR, GR, led_out); endmodule  


I think the 20 port connections are matched properly. Could anyone figure out what is the problem? 

Thanks in advance! 


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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You are mixing Verilog-1995 style ports (non-ANSI) with Verilog-2001/Systemverilog style ports (ANSI). That syntax is not strictly legal. Try:  


module System( input wire DIN, input wire Reset, input PB, input clock, output wire WR_MEM_out, output wire DOUT_out, output wire ADDR_out, output wire DONE, output wire IR_out, output wire R0_out, output wire R1_out, output wire R2_out, output wire R3_out, output wire R4_out, output wire R5_out, output wire R6_out, output wire R7_out, output wire G_out, output wire A_out, //Control Wires output wire CW );You could further shorten it to 

module System( input wire DIN, wire Reset, PB,clock, output wire WR_MEM_out, wire DOUT_out, ADDR_out, wire DONE, wire IR_out, R0_out, R1_out, R2_out, R3_out, R4_out, R5_out, R6_out, R7_out, G_out, A_out, //Control Wires wire CW );
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Thank you so much Dave! 


The modules in the project are all in verilog, and there is no error when loading other modules except for the "System" module. Should I change the System module from .v style port assignment to .sv style? Would it be compatible with others? 



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Honored Contributor II

My Modelsim's version is DE 10.2a and the Quartus is 13.0sp1. All files are in .v and have the same port assignment style like the beginning. I was wondering should I use the Verilog-2001/Systemverilog style ports (ANSI) in these tools? If so, why error happens only in System module? 


Thank you Dave! 

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Honored Contributor II

I made a simple testcase from the code shown and cannot reproduce your error. I was not correct about the illegal syntax. 

Since I don't have your complete design, I can't say for sure that this is your problem. I would try commenting out all other code until you are left with just the code producing the error. Basically, comment out all other module instantiations. 


The Verilog-2001 ANSI style port style I mentioned earlier is Verilog, no need for *.sv file extensions. 


The Verilog-1995 non-ANSI style normally looks like 


module name(port1,port2); input port1; output port2; wire port1; reg port2; ... endmoduleNon-Ansi ports are declared at least twice, sometimes three times: the port name ordering, port direction, and port type. Your syntax has combined the port direction and port type. 


Verilog-2001 ANSI style port combine all three declarations into one declaration. 

module name( input port1, output reg port2 ); ... endmodule
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Honored Contributor II

That makes sense! I'll have a try 

Thank you so much Dave!
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Honored Contributor II

A different module with name "System" might be bound by your testbench. 


Generally speaking, I'm a bit unwilling to debug module instantiations with positional port connection. The time you save by uzing the leizure style must be often double payd when fixing careless mistakes.
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