Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16624 Discussions

New Project Wizard says no devices installed for Quartus Prime Lite Edition

Honored Contributor II

Hello All, 


I just installed Quartus Prime Lite Edition to see what it could do. 


I have a Cyclone V board, and the installer included 

the Cyclone V device family in with the Lite installation. 


I can't figure out how to get it to see the Cyclone V device installation 

on Windows 7. 


When I try the Quartus Device Installer, I try to add the CycloneV qdz file 

but it says the device is already installed.. 


Not sure where the cyclone V device is installed in Windows. 


Could someone help me to get the IDE to see the Cyclone V device installation? 


It's not really working correctly. Almost like detection of all device families are 

disabled in the Lite edition. 


Thanks for your help.
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Where does it tell you no devices are installed? Have you tried creating a new project and seeing what devices (if any) Quartus offers you? 



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Honored Contributor II

Checking with Quartus Prime from Startup 


It's saying I must have device support before I can start a project, 

but when I go to Device Installer and load in the Cyclone V qdz file, 

it says the device is already installed. 


It should be showing the device family so I can select the SoC part by number I think. 


Trying to attach a couple screenshots... 


Maybe the Lite version has tons of bugs in it. Not sure if it's working properly 

but if my board has a USB Blaster II on it, shouldn't I be able to program the board 

without a software license?  


The board was $800 and for that price, being able to program it bare metal should be free. 


Hopefully the Intel crew can fix the software for later releases.  


I've had my board for two years, and still haven't been able to program it. 

Not sure why Altera doesn't have customer service, or the board manufacturer at that.
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Honored Contributor II

It appears I can still code Verilog, but have no schematic designer, pin planner or anything besides text entry mode. 


Even working with Quartus II, I had the same trouble. Not sure where the Lite Edition installer installed the Cyclone V family 

but it came with the installer, or so they had me think. 


From my experience, Altera is a very bad company with no customer service. 


I will never buy any more products from them. Total rip-off. 

They leave people hangin' after they make a sale.
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Honored Contributor II

You didn't answer the question you were asked. When you choose to create a new project, what happens when you get to the device selection page? 


Worst case scenario: uninstall and reinstall the software and devices. Maybe you installed the standard edition .qdz file instead of the one for the Lite edition. Go to select by device on the download page to get the correct one for the version you're using. 


You can program your board with the free Programmer that you can choose to download separately from the Altera download page: 


There's no reason to knock the company. Just ask questions here and get help when you need it! That's what the forum is for.
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Honored Contributor II

Ya, I think I must have had the wrong qdz, but strangely the device installer said the Cyclone V support was already installed, but Quartus Prime could not see the device family the installer installed. 


Do you think we can do USB CDC over the USB Blaster II connection, or would that be off limits? 


Reinstalling the software with their Ak-downloader, I selected all files for it. 

Might try to install it without any device families selected, 

and try to add them with the device installer, one by one. 


Else, I can use the board's UART for the minute to get to the board's linux prompt. 


It would be good to create a virtual com port for it I think. 


Thanks again.
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