Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16755 Discussions

Node Finder can find any nodes

Honored Contributor II



I have a problem with the Node Finder. I'm using Altera 13.1 SP1 Full Edition.  

My Design is loaded an I can compile it etc. The design can be seen in RTL, Technology Viewer etc.  


Actually I want to add a signal tap and add some nodes to it with the Node Finder. Now my problem. 


The Node Finder can't find any nodes. I already played around with all the settings but he find NOTHING. Does anybody of you has an idea why this can be. Once I perform a search it takes up to 20sec to search for nodes and the following response I get. I can't find any signal Pre-Synthesis or Post or even In/output pins.  


I'll also post here once I find the problem or a solution. 


Thanks for any help, it is much appreciated.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I just found out the problem. It was related to the toplevel entity name. In VHDL is was calmar_top and in the quartus setting file Calmar_top. Apparently this setting worked in other version of quartus for the Node Finder but in the Version 13.1 there is a problem with that. Therefore Nodefinder couldn't find any nodes. 


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Honored Contributor II


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I just found out the problem. It was related to the toplevel entity name. In VHDL is was calmar_top and in the quartus setting file Calmar_top. Apparently this setting worked in other version of quartus for the Node Finder but in the Version 13.1 there is a problem with that. Therefore Nodefinder couldn't find any nodes. 



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Thank you so much!!!! You've just solved my problem!)
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