Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Notification Server Login Failing in Prime Pro 19.1/19.2


I have used the notification server since it was launched, and it works fine in the Lite version of Prime (18.1). However, with 19.1 and 19.2 Pro I login, but it immediately thinks I am logged out. Going to Tools\Options\Notifications shows me as logged out. No matter how many times I login, it still shows logged out. I clearly have the right username and password because it works in 18.1 and when I manually login.


Is there a way to fix this?



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15 Replies
Hi, As I understand it, you seems to observe some issue with the notification server in Q19.1/19.2 Pro but it is working in Q18.1 Lite. To ensure we are on the same page, would you mind to share with me some screenshots and steps to replicate the observation. Also, just wonder if you have had a chance to try with Q18.1Pro to see if similar issue observation. Just to further narrow down if this is Q19.1 and above specific. Thank you.
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Steps that fail on Quartus 19.1/19.2:

  1. Open Tools\Options
  2. Click Notifications
  3. Click Sign In
  4. Enter username and password
  5. Click Sign In (and it will seem like it works)
  6. Click OK to close Options Dialog
  7. Open Tools\Options
  8. Click Notifications
  9. Observe that you are not signed in


These exact same steps work in Quartus 18.1. I can't test 18.1 Pro at the moment because the notification server seems to be completely down and is giving a message of "Error communicating with the notification server. Try again later."

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Hi, Sorry for the delay. I have get into similar error of server related error when trying with the Q18.1Pro. I would require further time to get Q19.1 installed and to try with other version available in my PC as well. Sorry for keeping you waiting.
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I wouldn’t bother installing 19.1 while the notification server is currently completely down. But maybe you can comment on that – why is the notification server down? Is it true that Intel is exiting the commercial FPGA business? Apparently other vendors think I’m crazy to still be using Intel – everyone else they work with has switched to Xilinx. With Intel cutting support, abandoning documentation updates, and generally seeming to neglect their paying customers it does really seem that maybe they are exiting the industry. It has been very hard to watch what has happened to Altera since the acquisition. They used to be so great at customer support and you could tell they cared as a company. I really liked the devices and tools, but I have this growing unease that Intel is taking everything internal to some CPU/FPGA hybrid only and will cut regular customers off. Should I be switching my designs to Xilinx?
0 Kudos
Hi Dan, Thanks for your update. For your information, I have managed to log on to notification server with Q18.1Pro. However, when I tested with Q17.0Std, I am getting server error. It seems like intermittent issue with the server currently. Just would like to check with you if you are able to proceed without using the notification as a workaround currently to avoid gating your progress? Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Thanks for the response. I can use the notification server with 18.1 again, but 19.2 behaves exactly as per my prior post where it logs you in, but shows not logged in as soon as you go back to the window or try a compile. I am definitely not blocked by this and it isn’t urgent by any means. My other questions about Intel’s future came from discussions with other IC vendors that said almost all other customers in the area have or are switching to Xilinx because of the support and rumors. The issues I’ve seen with Intel seem to reinforce the rumors and concerns, so it has me wondering if I am on a sinking ship. I certainly hope nothing bad is brewing, because I’ve always felt that the core of what Altera did was superior to Xilinx, and I’ve always been very impressed with Intel. However, the post-acquisition outcome seems to have lost many parts of Altera that were great, and the software and documentation has seemed to be neglected or have weird bugs. With 19.1 the function of many of my FIFOs suddenly changed and they no longer worked correctly without adding in Synchronous resets. Some of those FIFO styles were ones I had used in identical setups for the last 15 years through all version of Quartus, so the change was alarming. I didn’t submit posts on that because I was under pressure to figure it out very quickly, and without time to go through Arrow support people to establish a confidential ticket that I could share code with I just went solo. Anyway, thanks for your help! Dan
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Hi Dan,


Thanks for your update. It seems like the server is intermittent. I would recommend you to proceed without using it currently to avoid gating your progress. 


Regarding your latest observation with FIFOs, glad to hear that you have managed to resolve the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please feel free to open a new Forum case should you have any further inquiries related to it. We can have our software guy to further assist you.


Please let me know if there is any concern. Thank you.


Best regards,

Chee Pin


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Hi Chee, But can you please make sure that Intel is going to fix the notification server bug that I have reported for 19.1/19.2? Even when the server is functional for other versions, 19.1/19.2 does NOT log in and function. It has been 100% broken since the release of 19.1 and 19.2. Thanks! Dan
0 Kudos

Hi ,


Yes. I am currently installing Q19.2 in my local PC. Once I replicated the observation, I will file a case to Engineering for future fix. Sorry for all the inconvenience.

0 Kudos

Hi Dan,


Just to update you on my latest observation with Q19.2Pro. It seems like I am able to login into the notification server using Q19.2pro. After I close and re-open the notification window (no close Quartus), I can still see myself as logged in. I will email you a screen recording for your reference.


Thank you.

0 Kudos

Hi Dan,


Thanks for your response in email. I understand that you have follow similar steps as in the video but seems to log you out when you re-open the Option windows.


Regarding your inquiry on the option, sorry as I am not aware of where Quartus store the option information. Just would like to check with you if you have another PC to try if similar observation occurs? You may use another PC, install 19.2 and test. Just to isolate if it is PC or installation dependent.

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Just would like to follow up with you if you have managed to try with other PC to see if there is any difference in observation. Thank you.

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I don’t have another computer worth installing on, so I’m just going to leave it unresolved on my computer. It isn’t critical, I’ll just plan on not using the notification server. Thanks, Dan
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Hi Dan,


Thanks for your update. Sorry for all the inconvenience.


0 Kudos

Hi Dan,


I would set this case to close-pending at this moment. Feel free to reopen or file a new case if you have any further question related to this request. Thank you.


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