Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

OpenCL Resource Usage

Honored Contributor II

We are trying to quickly "compare" the resource usage of OpenCL and Bluespec implementations of the same design.The Bluespec implementation doesn't have PCI-E and external memory.  


AOC reports total resource usage as shown below. I am thinking of removing "Global_resources" (and possibly "LSU_resources") from OpenCL's resource usage to make the comparison fair. I am assuming that "Global_resources "and "LSU_resources" approximate the cost of using PCI-E and external memory. Is this a sensible approach? 



Total: LEs = 62637 FFs = 99198 RAMs = 575 DSPs = 0 

Global_resources: LEs = 8779 FFs = 12545 RAMs = 78 DSPs = 0 

Const_resources: LEs = 0 FFs = 0 RAMs = 0 DSPs = 0 

LSU_resources: LEs = 6802 FFs = 12446 RAMs = 83 DSPs = 0 

FP_resources: LEs = 0 FFs = 0 RAMs = 0 DSPs = 0 

Local_mem_resources: LEs = 1330 FFs = 4352 RAMs = 28 DSPs = 0 

Reg_State_resources: LEs = 1133 FFs = 10610 RAMs = 0 DSPs = 0 

RAM_State_resources: LEs = 2899 FFs = 2425 RAMs = 85 DSPs = 0 

MrgBr_State_resources: LEs = 0 FFs = 2844 RAMs = 0 DSPs = 0 

Other_State_resources: LEs = 908 FFs = 820 RAMs = 18 DSPs = 0 

Other_resources: LEs = 1710 FFs = 1685 RAMs = 0 DSPs = 0 


LEs: 13.3429 % 

FFs: 10.5656 % 

RAMs: 22.4609 % 

DSPs: 0 % 

Util: 22.9721 %
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