Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16639 Discussions

Print TCL commands for my GUI actions

Honored Contributor II



Is there a way to see the TCL commands for all actions that I do through GUI? I know other companies have this capabilities in their tools but I haven't seen this with Quartus. For example if I create a new logic lock region, there should be a window or file that says 'set_logiclock -auto_size false -floating false" etc. that I could copy paste into a tcl script to run later without GUI. 



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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

All GUI commands display in either the Messages window or the Tcl console (from the View menu). You can also export assignments from the Assignments or File menu (don't have it open right now so I'm not sure which) or open the project's .qsf file to see all the project settings and assignments as Tcl.

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Honored Contributor II

No creating a design partition doesn't print anything to Messages window or Tcl console from the View menu :( Also, opening the project's qsf file shows assignments but not the tcl command. For example for logic lock it'll show something like 'set_global_assignments LL_AUTO_SIZE FALSE' but it won't show 'set_logiclock -auto_size false' which was the real tcl command I used in my script.

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Honored Contributor II

No, it doesn't. Where it's most useful is if you create an LLR in the GUI(or anything in the GUI) and want to see it's command. When this is done though, it's not running set_logiclock, but instead is directly writing the attributes to the .qsf. Everything in the GUI gets written to the .qsf, and that's where you can go to find the Tcl commands. That being said, it would be nice if they were just echoed to a History tab too. (Especially in cases where what you do in the GUI isn't always intuitive as to what it matches in the .qsf.)

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