Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Problems with OpenCL SDK 13.0 on Windows 7

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 

I've recently upgraded to OpenCL SDK ver. 13.0 on Win7/64 (2x Xeon + 64GB RAM) 

After the installation (Quartus + OCL SDK) I tried to compile the moving average design sample with: 


"aoc --board pcie385n_d5 --report" 


as a sanity check. I observe that right after creating the Quartus project files and reporting the initial kernel analysis on the command line, aoc simply stops. There are no files written/updated under the project folder and task manager shows 0% CPU activity. 


I've checked that Quartus is installed and can be run properly over our network licence. The same goes for OpenCL SDK. Strange thing is I get no error messages... aoc just stops. 


Has anyone seen this before? Any suggestions? 

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12 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi berserkgrunt, 


I also recently upgraded to v13.0 and I have the same issue. I asked an Altera engineer for this, but he had no explanation about this as the release is very recent. 


If you just want to generate a report, use the "-c" option .Then, your command line will be : "aoc -c --board pcie385n_d5 --report" . 


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Honored Contributor II

I'm not sure if it's related to my issue but I see another unexpected behavior. 

Quartus 13 does not see stratixV as installed. When I attempt to reinstall using the integrated device installer stratixV shows as installed but Quartus does not recognize it. 

Every time I lauch Quartus I see a pop up message saying that I had installed Quartus properly but had not installed any devices...
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Honored Contributor II



I think you must intall the Stratix V devices during the Quartus 13 installation . For this, you have to place the device installer "stratixv-" qdz file in the same directory with the Quartus 13 installer .So when you launch the Quartus installer "QuartusSetup-" the installer can recognize stratix V devices before the installation. 


You might have something like in attached file
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  



I think you must intall the Stratix V devices during the Quartus 13 installation . For this, you have to place the device installer "stratixv-" qdz file in the same directory with the Quartus 13 installer .So when you launch the Quartus installer "QuartusSetup-" the installer can recognize stratix V devices before the installation. 


You might have something like in attached file 

--- Quote End ---  



Yes, you are right and that was the first thing I did.  

When I saw Quartus did not recognize the installed devices I tried to install using the built in device installer. That did not work either... 

Were you able to install StratixV devices like this on Windows 7? When you launch Quartus do you get a pop up message saying Quartus was installed succesfully but no devices were installed? 



PS: I've also tried to install using quartus_sh on the command line but quartus_sh expects .qda files and would not accept .qdz files.
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Honored Contributor II

I had no issue with the installation of StratixV devices on Windows 7 , no pop up message saying no device were installed . 


Your issue is unusual. You should send a Service Request to Altera.
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Honored Contributor II

If you add the -v flag for verbosity, what is it outputting?

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Honored Contributor II

Just to clarify, I think you are confusing some of the aoc compiler options.  

-v : verbosity, increases the amount of output information from the compiler - recommend to use this 

-c : performs only the initial parsing, project setup, configuration, etc. - does *not* do a hardware build - recommend to use this  

--report : generates a report regarding logic and resource utilization - usage optional 


Regarding the Stratix V devices, are you certain you have the license feature for SV? You should be able to see this listed in the QII License Setup option. I would also recommend posting in the actual Quartus II support forum since that is more of a QII than OpenCL problem. Good luck!
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Just to clarify, I think you are confusing some of the aoc compiler options.  

-v : verbosity, increases the amount of output information from the compiler - recommend to use this 

-c : performs only the initial parsing, project setup, configuration, etc. - does *not* do a hardware build - recommend to use this  

--report : generates a report regarding logic and resource utilization - usage optional 


Regarding the Stratix V devices, are you certain you have the license feature for SV? You should be able to see this listed in the QII License Setup option. I would also recommend posting in the actual Quartus II support forum since that is more of a QII than OpenCL problem. Good luck! 

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Thanks for your reply. 

Regarding the device installation/StratixV license, I was able to use Quartus II - 12 for StratixV without any problems (with the exact same license server settings). However Quartus II - 13 does not recognize any installed devices (I have tried pretty much all families) 


When I use -v flag I see that aoc stops at: 

"aoc: Running Quartus design generator...." 

with 0 CPU activity. I believe missing/broken device installation -for whatever reason- is blocking further progress. 


I will talk to our IT guys about StratixV licence.
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Honored Contributor II

To make sure the enviornment is setup correctly try running this at the command line and copy the output to this post: 


quartus_sh --version 

aoc --version
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

To make sure the enviornment is setup correctly try running this at the command line and copy the output to this post: 


quartus_sh --version 

aoc --version 

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quartus_sh --version returns: 

Quartus II 64-Bit Shell 

Version 13.0.0 Build 156 04/24/2013 Service Pack 0.dp1 SJ Full Version 

Copyright (C) .... 


aoc --version returns: 

Altera SDK for OpenCL, 64-Bit Offline Compiler 

Version 13.0 Build 190 

Copyright (C) .... 


These look good to me.
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Honored Contributor II

If you run into compilation issues then you might try rolling back to 13.0 without the design pack installed. I highly doubt that's what is causing this so only try that as a last resort. 


I just noticed you are located in Turkey. If you are using Turkish keyboard localization try switching to English and try again. I vaguely remember an old SOPC Builder issue with Turkish language settings, in particlar the three different letters for 'i' and how we performed upper/lower case string conversions was problematic.
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks for your reply. 

Turns out that our license renewal was blotched.  

I believe this is the rootcause here. Will update as soon as I have anything to say.
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