Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Project cleanup (getting rid of unused source files)

Honored Contributor II

My 3 month project is almost complete. :D 

Before sending it out the door it needs a bit of cleanup... 


When I look at the Project Navigator "Files List" the project contains some files that are not in use anymore. (When running the mega wizard the files get added to the project, deleting the block from the control panel leaves the files in the project, even though its not used anymore). 


Archiving the project is a good start at getting rid of unnecessary files - but anything in the Project Navigator files list gets put into the archive. Running Archive cut the list from 210 *.v files to only 150. Now if I could just remove unused files from the project list...  

Any ideas? :confused: Going through 1 at a time isnt too bad, but if there is a better way to cleanup then I would be glad to know  


Thank you for your time 

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