Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16679 Discussions

Qsys-Problem with read latency of registered inputs in tri-state bridge

Honored Contributor II



I switched from SOPC builer to Qsys (Quartus 11.0sp1) today.  


On my custom board I have a CFI flash device (S29GL128P10FF010) connected to my SOPC system through a tristate bridge. A DSP device (ADSP-21371) is connected to the flash through a custom designed tri-state bridge master.  


At startup, the DSP boots from the flash with a pre-defined access time of 250ns (slowest possible). My FPGA (Cyclone III) is running at 30MHz and uses 6 clock cycles (50ns read wait, 85ns setup, 25ns hold + 1clock cycle = 200ns) to fetch the data from the flash device.  


This was only possible by setting the incomming signals to not registered in the SOPC tri-state bridge. As far as I understand, all signals are now registered with Qsys new tri-state bridge concept and there is no way to change this.  


However, there have been three new parameters integrated in the signal timings of the generic tri-state controller. The automatic converter set them to: 


- Maximum pending read transactions = 3 

- Turnaround time = 2 

- Read latency = 2 


I don't know what these parameters exactly do, but now it takes 10 clock cycles (333ns) to receive data from the flash which is too slow for the DSP! :( 


=> Why are there 4 additional clock cycles (I would expect 2)? 

=> Is there a way to unregister the input signals - or to use the old SOPC tri-state bridge controller with Qsys? 

=> Will changing the timing parameters help anything? 

=> Is there a detailed description with timing diagrams on these new parameters available somewhere? 


I'll be glad for any suggestions.  


Best Regards 

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Hi Simon! 

I have the same problem! How do you solve it? 

Best Regards
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