Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17049 ディスカッション

Qsys custom component and .qip file paths with subfolders

名誉コントリビューター II

Hi all, 


I'm having some issue with Qsys generating a hierarchical system, made of a main_system.qsys system and an adc_subsystem.qsys (plus other subsystems) and in the adc_subsystem I use a custom Qsys component, adc_controller, that instantiates a PLL (created with the ALTPLL from the IP Catalog, not from Qsys). 


This is my how my project folder looks like: 


..\<main folder> - with .qpf, .qsf , top level HDL files and custom build scripts 

..\<main folder>\qsys - with all the .qsys files for systems and subsystems 

..\<main folder>\qsys\ip\adc_controller\ - juts the <component name> _hw.tcl file 

..\<main folder>\qsys\ip\adc_controller\rtl - component HDL files 

..\<main folder>\qsys\ip\adc_controller\sim - simulation stuff (testbenches and ModelSim files) 


I generate the PLL IP variation file, adc_clk_rx_pll.v in the ..\adc_receiver\rtl\ and this is what the content looks like after Quartus generates the IP:  


..\<main folder>\qsys\ip\adc_controller\rtl\adc_clk_rx_pll.v 

..\<main folder>\qsys\ip\adc_controller\rtl\adc_clk_rx_pll.qip 

..\<main folder>\qsys\ip\adc_controller\rtl\adc_clk_rx_pll\adc_clk_rx_pll_0002.v 

..\<main folder>\qsys\ip\adc_controller\rtl\adc_clk_rx_pll\adc_clk_rx_pll_0002.qip 


The relative new subfolder seems to create a problem because I added all the files (including the ones in the ..\adc_clk_rx_pll subfolder) in the ..\rtl folder and this is what the _hw.tcl section looks like: 



set_fileset_property QUARTUS_SYNTH TOP_LEVEL adc_controller 



add_fileset_file adc_clk_rx_pll.v VERILOG PATH rtl/adc_clk_rx_pll.v 

add_fileset_file adc_ddr_rx.v VERILOG PATH rtl/adc_ddr_rx.v 

add_fileset_file ads5474_avmm_registers.v VERILOG PATH rtl/ads5474_avmm_registers.v 

add_fileset_file ads5474_multisample_output_interface.v VERILOG PATH rtl/ads5474_multisample_output_interface.v 

add_fileset_file ads5474_receiver.v VERILOG PATH rtl/ads5474_receiver.v 

add_fileset_file ads5474_sample_fifo8x14.v VERILOG PATH rtl/ads5474_sample_fifo8x14.v 

add_fileset_file ads5474_sample_fifo8x32.v VERILOG PATH rtl/ads5474_sample_fifo8x32.v 

add_fileset_file ads5474_singlesample_output_interface.v VERILOG PATH rtl/ads5474_singlesample_output_interface.v 

add_fileset_file adc_controller.v VERILOG PATH rtl/adc_controller.v TOP_LEVEL_FILE 

add_fileset_file adc_clk_rx_pll.qip OTHER PATH rtl/adc_clk_rx_pll.qip 

add_fileset_file adc_ddr_rx.qip OTHER PATH rtl/adc_ddr_rx.qip 

add_fileset_file ads5474_sample_fifo8x14.qip OTHER PATH rtl/ads5474_sample_fifo8x14.qip 

add_fileset_file ads5474_sample_fifo8x32.qip OTHER PATH rtl/ads5474_sample_fifo8x32.qip 

add_fileset_file adc_clk_rx_pll_0002.qip OTHER PATH rtl/adc_clk_rx_pll/adc_clk_rx_pll_0002.qip 

add_fileset_file adc_clk_rx_pll_0002.v VERILOG PATH rtl/adc_clk_rx_pll/adc_clk_rx_pll_0002.v 



But when I generate the HDL from Qsys the \adc_clk_rx_pll gets flattened out and now the files cannot be found anymore and hierarchy elaboration fails: 


Warning (125092): Tcl Script File qsys/main_system/synthesis/submodules/adc_clk_rx_pll/adc_clk_rx_pll_0002.qip not found 

Info (125063): set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE qsys/main_system/synthesis/submodules/adc_clk_rx_pll/adc_clk_rx_pll_0002.qip -qip qsys/peanuts_main_system/synthesis/submodules/adc_clk_rx_pll.qip -library adc_clk_rx_pll 



but this is the content of my main_system.qip file 


I tried to generate juts the subsystem in which the adc_controller component is instantiated but same problem: the relative subfolder path is not kept. Everything is flattened out in a single output folder. 

How can I solve this problem? I tried to tweak the set_fileset_property QUARTUS_SYNTH ENABLE_RELATIVE_INCLUDE_PATHS , setting it to true but it doesn't seem to help.  

I could manually tweak the PLL .qip files to remove the relative path but that will create issues if I have to regenerate the PLL IP. 

Am I playing a dangerous game because of the way I organized my project file structure? 

Of course adding the .qip directly to the files list in Quartus fixes the issue but a nice thing about the component definition in Qsys is that is supposed to keep everything defined in the _hw.tcl file. 


Help..... please...
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6 返答(返信)
名誉コントリビューター II

I tried a couple of simple hierarchical systems with QSYS before giving up and concluding that it just doesn't work yet. Perhaps it will be fully implemented in a future tools version. I'd advise not wasting further time with it until then.

名誉コントリビューター II

My experience so far is actually quite positive with hierarchical systems and all my project is hierarchical at this point. Working with Quartus 14.1.1. 

This is the first hiccup I have.  

Altera folks, would you please chime in?
名誉コントリビューター II

I would like to understand this too. I think my problem is a little simpler, but shows similar quirky behavior of the tools when it comes to custom IP blocks. 


In my project root directory I put my custom qsys IP in an "ip" directory. When I bring those components in, the _hw.tcl and verilog code exist within that directory. 


When I generate the Qsys system, sometimes my verilog code file is copied into the qsys_system_name/synthesis/submodules directory as it was when it was generated. Thus, when I edit the code in my ip directory, the changes do not get compiled when I build in quartus (it gets update if I regenerate). 


If I update the IP block in my ip directory, update the IP block to the new version in Qsys and generate, it creates a zero-size file of the same name in the synthesis/submodules directory -- but in this case if I rebuild the system with quartus, it will use the original source file for the compile.  


I briefly tried to force the paths based on some advice given by others but ultimately failed to get it to work -- maybe an answer to your questions will shed some light on the ones that I have seen. 


名誉コントリビューター II

I got the zero-size file problem too sometimes, but I haven't unraveled yet the sequence of operations that cause it.  

However I got rid of it mostly by carefully refreshing (F5) the system after each IP version bump.
名誉コントリビューター II

Dear all, 


Please have a look at this :


It contains some useful information. 



新規コントリビューター I

Hi, I am encountering the exact same problem. I also have a pll that I have included in a subsystem with hirarchy.

Have you found any solution yet? 
