Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Quartus II block editor general reference

Honored Contributor II

Hello all, 

I'm somewhat new to working with Quartus software, and have recently been trying to figure out how to make the absolute most of the block editor feature. On more than one occasion, though, I have found myself wanting to do tasks that seem like they ought to be simple, but end up taking a good bit of time figuring out due to formatting concerns and the like. For example, I recently found myself wanting to assign a constant byte value as an input to a function, but could only really figure out how to assign single bit constants. This is a very, very simple thing to do in verilog or vhdl (which I am more comfortable working with), so I would think that there would be an equally simple way to perform this task with the schematic editor (other than creating a verilog function that continuously spams the same byte on its output and tieing that output to the desired input). As such, I was wondering if any of you knew of good tutorials for the block editor that cover more than just the basics (this is how you create a new project, this is how you compile, this is how you make a bdf from a .v file, etc), but that were somewhat less intensive than the 300-someodd page Quartus reference manual. 


Thanks in advance, 

Jordan Wills
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I am also curious on how to drive a constant value in a BDF schematic. I have a lpm_divider and would like to provide a constant denominator. I see the CONSTANT primitive, but how do you use it after placing it in the schematic?

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Honored Contributor II

Could the lpm_constant megafunction be what you're looking for? It's under libraries/megafunctions/gates. You just set the width and the value. 


I can't help with the tutorial, but it's worth browsing the built in help.
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Honored Contributor II

Yes, the lpm_constant worked! There are multiple ways to provide a constant and I guess I chose the wrong one initially. 


Thank you, 

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