Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16679 Discussions

Questions about clock group in timing constrain

Honored Contributor II

I have a question about clock group. Assume in a design, there are two clocks: clk1 and clk2. They are outputs of a PLL.  



There are no data paths between clk1 and clk2, that means no signals will be launch by clk1 and latched by clk2. Similarily, there are no signals launched by clk2 and latched by clk1. 



In my understanding, I can set the clock groups for these two clocks like (I am not sure whether it is right): 

set_clock_groups -name group0 -asynchronous -group [get_clocks clk1] 

set_clock_groups -name group0 -asynchronous -group [get_clocks clk2] 



My questions are following: 

1. In this case I described, should I write the clock group constrain like above? Is the relation between these two clocks can be described with "asynchronous"? 



2. Since there are no data path between these two clocks, why do I still need to write the clock group constrains for them? My understanding is since QuartusII always defauly assume all clocks in the design are related, without the clock group, Quartus will cost resource in optimizing the design for these two clocks, which is meaningless. After clock group constrains, these resource will not be wasted. Is my understanding right? 



Thanks in advance.
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

If there's no path between the clocks, the set_clock_groups doesn't do anything. It's like putting a set_false_path on a path that doesn't exist. Now, users might do this to show that they don't exist in case the design changes and a path is added, but it's up to the user. 

Note that I would do it in one-line: 

set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group {clk1} -group {clk2} 

This constraints cuts timing between clk1 and clk2. (The [get_clocks] is implied since the constraint only works on clocks, so you can leave it out if you want). 

When you do a constraint with a single clock, like so: 

set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group {clk1} 

That means to cut timing from clk1 to all other clocks in the design. In your two clock design, that's fine, but it's an implicit cut and that can be dangerous. Let's say 2 months from now someone adds clk3, and it's related to clk1. With the way the constraint is set up, clk1 is cut from all other clocks including clk3, so now those paths are cut. If the user wanted them analyzed, they would have problems. I try to always have 2 or more groups in my set_clock_groups assignment. 

Note that I talk a lot about set_clock_groups in the first chapter of the TimeQuest User Guide on the
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Honored Contributor II


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If there's no path between the clocks, the set_clock_groups doesn't do anything. It's like putting a set_false_path on a path that doesn't exist. Now, users might do this to show that they don't exist in case the design changes and a path is added, but it's up to the user. 

Note that I would do it in one-line: 

set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group {clk1} -group {clk2} 

This constraints cuts timing between clk1 and clk2. (The [get_clocks] is implied since the constraint only works on clocks, so you can leave it out if you want). 

When you do a constraint with a single clock, like so: 

set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group {clk1} 

That means to cut timing from clk1 to all other clocks in the design. In your two clock design, that's fine, but it's an implicit cut and that can be dangerous. Let's say 2 months from now someone adds clk3, and it's related to clk1. With the way the constraint is set up, clk1 is cut from all other clocks including clk3, so now those paths are cut. If the user wanted them analyzed, they would have problems. I try to always have 2 or more groups in my set_clock_groups assignment. 

Note that I talk a lot about set_clock_groups in the first chapter of the TimeQuest User Guide on the 

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Thanks very much, Rysc. 


Yes, I did read the TimeQuest User Guide from you. It is very helpful. But I still have another question about clock groups. For two asynchronous clocks, in what case there will be a data path between them ? The only case I can point out is the FIFO is used to handle two diffierent clock domains, that clk1 and clk2 are used as read and write clocks individually, they can be asynchronous. Is there any other cases that there are data paths between two asynchours clocks, and we need use `set_clock_groups` to constrain them? 


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Honored Contributor II

People send signals across asynchronous domains quite a bit. Often it's just a "slow" signal, like status bit or something like that. Sometimes they're even constants, like signals that set modes of the design out of configuration. They also often try faster transfers and might do some hand-shake logic or something like that. If you can keep it so no paths exist or they all go through FIFOs, good for you. 

(In fact, one reason people don't cut timing between unrelated domains is that they often show up as timing failures. For example, if clk1 were clk2 had no relationship, the default setup relationship might be some small number, like 1ps. Then if the a designer accidentally added a path between the domains, it would fail timing and they'd see their mistake right away.
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

People send signals across asynchronous domains quite a bit. Often it's just a "slow" signal, like status bit or something like that. Sometimes they're even constants, like signals that set modes of the design out of configuration. They also often try faster transfers and might do some hand-shake logic or something like that. If you can keep it so no paths exist or they all go through FIFOs, good for you. 

(In fact, one reason people don't cut timing between unrelated domains is that they often show up as timing failures. For example, if clk1 were clk2 had no relationship, the default setup relationship might be some small number, like 1ps. Then if the a designer accidentally added a path between the domains, it would fail timing and they'd see their mistake right away. 

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Thanks, Rysc. I think I got what you mean. In most cases, the data paths between two async clocks may not be real path used to transfer "data: signals, they may be path that transfer control, status signals as you mentioned. 


However, in the case I mentioned that FIFO with two different read and write clocks, in this case, is this a data path between these two clocks? Do I need to define clock groups or set false path for these two clocks?  


Thanks very much.
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Honored Contributor II

Altera's dual-clock FIFO has false paths embedded into it. (You'll note in the begining of the TimeQuest mesages one that says, "Reading embedded .sdc constraints..." and if you expand it you'll find them in there.) So in that case you don't have to do anything. If you were using your own FIFO, then yes you would need to cut them, either at the clock level with set_clock_groups or at the path level.

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Honored Contributor II

Thanks very much, Rysc. If I have other related questions later, I will post here.

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