Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Reading a file content with quartus

Honored Contributor II

Hi everybody, 


I need to read a value from an external file at compilation time and I don´t achieve to do it with quartus. The same code works for Xilinx Ise but I´m not able to do it with Quartus. 

The code also works fine with Modelsim. 


I have made many changes at code and search solutions on the web but nothing. 


This is the begining of the function I use to read the content of the file  



use std.textio.all; 


-- function to get version from 'version.txt' file 



impure function get_version return std_logic_vector is 



file data_file: text open READ_MODE is "version.txt"; 

variable rd_line : line; 





-- check that file is not empty 

assert(not endfile(data_file)) 

report "*** ERROR: File is empty" severity error; 

-- read 1st line and convert it to string 

readline(vers_file, rd_line); 





end get_version; 





The problem is that I don´t get to read or locate the file. At compilation time it doesn't give me the report error but I know that it does't correctly read the file because if I put a file name it doesn´t exist, It seems to do the same (nothing). 


I have been searching for any example, but I didn´t found it. Can anyone help me?
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Quartus does not support textio during synthesis whilst Xilinx does. I opened an enhancement request for this about 8 years ago, but still no Textio. 

You can get quartus to read in text files using TCL and output a VHDL package that contains the version number.
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Quartus does not support textio during synthesis whilst Xilinx does. I opened an enhancement request for this about 8 years ago, but still no Textio. 

You can get quartus to read in text files using TCL and output a VHDL package that contains the version number. 

--- Quote End ---  



Thank you for your answer. I will try to do what you said but I need to do it automatically, so I will try to do a script that firstly generates the VHDL pakage and then compiles and generates all the quartus Project. I hope it is posible.
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