Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16679 Discussions

SOPC VIP throughput problem

Honored Contributor II



I'm setting up a SOPC system using the VIP IP modules and now I'm bumping into a problem.  


The VIP system is mixing two streams into a single 800x600 stream which is clocked out with a 75Hz framerate to screen,  


One stream is a 640x480 video input stream from camera: 


cvi (640x480) -> framebuffer -> mixer (din_1) 


while the other is : 


framereader (800x600) -> mixer (din_0, background layer) 


However, the output to screen is displaying a single color (this color seems to be dark green) with a black frame on the left side of the screen. 



Now, if I change either the first or the second stream, replacing with a testpattern generator, I'm able to display the video output to screen, but when I mix the two original streams, there is something going wrong. 


I tried increasing the pixel FIFO size of the clocked video output module to 5000 pixels, but this did not help. 


Can anyone tell why this i s happening ?
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