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As the title suggests, I'm trying to split the bidirectional vector into single bidirectional bits for my design. I have a dedicated IP (which I can't modify) and that one has a bit vector of type inout for Quad SPI (the data for QuadSPI). And I want to communicate with a NOR Flash, but since Quad SPI has 4 data lanes, I wanted to split the inout vector coming from the IP and then assign my top level ports with those bits separately.
Do you know what's the most convenient way of doing it ? I tried adding two processes (given below) but I got the error " QSPI_IO1 directly or indirectly feeds itself". (and ofc the same for the other 3 data ports)
Thanks in advance !
entity myEntity is
CLK : in std_logic;
QSPI_CLK : out std_logic;
QSPI_CSN : out std_logic;
QSPI_IO1 : inout std_logic;
QSPI_IO2 : inout std_logic;
QSPI_IO3 : inout std_logic;
QSPI_IO4 : inout std_logic;
end myEntity;
architecture rtl of myEntity is
signal qspi_data_vector : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- 4-bit std_logic_vector
component tx_soc is
port (
clk_clk : in std_logic := 'X'; -- clk
reset_reset_n : in std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_n
generic_quad_spi_controller2_0_qspi_pins_dclk : out std_logic; -- qspi sclk
generic_quad_spi_controller2_0_qspi_pins_ncs : out std_logic; -- qspi ss_n
generic_quad_spi_controller2_0_qspi_pins_data : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- qspi data
end component tx_soc;
p_qspi_data_merge: process (QSPI_IO4, QSPI_IO3, QSPI_IO2, QSPI_IO1)
-- Concatenate the QSPI port signals into qspi vector
qspi_data_vector <= QSPI_IO4 & QSPI_IO3 & QSPI_IO2 & QSPI_IO1;
end process;
p_qspi_data_split: process (qspi_data_vector)
-- Split the concatenated the QSPI port signals into single bits
QSPI_IO1 <= qspi_data_vector(0);
QSPI_IO2 <= qspi_data_vector(1);
QSPI_IO3 <= qspi_data_vector(2);
QSPI_IO4 <= qspi_data_vector(3);
end process;
soc_inst : component tx_soc
port map (
clk_clk => core_clk,
reset_reset_n => nios_reset_n,
generic_quad_spi_controller2_0_qspi_pins_dclk => QSPI_CLK,
generic_quad_spi_controller2_0_qspi_pins_ncs => QSPI_CSN,
generic_quad_spi_controller2_0_qspi_pins_data => qspi_data_vector
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you can't assign an inout port to a signal, but you can directly assign it in the component instantiation.
generic_quad_spi_controller2_0_qspi_pins_data(0) => QSPI_IO1,
2_0_qspi_pins_data(1) => QSPI_IO2,
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you can't assign an inout port to a signal, but you can directly assign it in the component instantiation.
generic_quad_spi_controller2_0_qspi_pins_data(0) => QSPI_IO1,
2_0_qspi_pins_data(1) => QSPI_IO2,
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generic_quad_spi_controller2_0_qspi_pins_data => QSPI_IO4 & QSPI_IO3 & QSPI_IO2 & QSPI_IO1,
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I remember getting some errors before due to concatenating 2 signals (or a fixed value + a signal) at the component instantiation but they both look promising, thanks!
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