Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16837 Discussions

Support Logic Generation Error




I have got a error while executing a programm in Quatus prime pro software v23.1 the device i use to run the project was agib023r18a1e1v. If i execute the same module by making top then didn't got the error while some critical warning i got 

Critical Warning(23469): The block i_etile_wrapper|av_top|eth_f_0|eth_f_0|hip_inst|per_xcvr[2].x_bb_f_ux|x_bb_f_ux_tx did not set the following parameters
Info(23470): Parameter txeq_main_tap
Info(23470): Parameter txeq_post_tap_1
Info(23470): Parameter txeq_pre_tap_1
Info(23470): Parameter txeq_pre_tap_2

Critical Warning(23469): The block i_etile_wrapper|av_top|eth_f_0|eth_f_0|hip_inst|per_xcvr[2].x_bb_f_ux|x_bb_f_ux_rx did not set the following parameters
Info(23470): Parameter rx_ac_couple_enable
Info(23470): Parameter rx_onchip_termination
Info(23470): Parameter rxeq_dfe_data_tap_1
Info(23470): Parameter rxeq_hf_boost
Info(23470): Parameter rxeq_vga_gain
Info(23470): Parameter vsr_mode

and when i make top to the main module i got this error

Error(22241): Cannot place the block i_etile_wrapper|av_top|eth_f_0|eth_f_0|hip_inst|per_xcvr[0].x_bb_f_ux|x_bb_f_ux_rx at location fgt_q0_ch0_rx because it uses port next_bonding_link that is not present at this location.

Error(22658): Cannot place block i_etile_wrapper|av_top|eth_f_0|eth_f_0|hip_inst|per_xcvr[0].x_bb_f_ux|x_bb_f_ux_rx in location fgt_q0_ch0_rx because it makes the block i_etile_wrapper|av_top|eth_f_0|eth_f_0|hip_inst|per_xcvr[1].x_bb_f_ux|x_bb_f_ux_rx unplaceable

In the project i want to change the e-tile 100gbe with f-tile 100gbe4

and r-tile pcie gen4x16 instead of p-tile how should i proceed.

please help


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