Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16666 Discussions

Systemverilog task inside class

Honored Contributor II


I wrote a small program, use class. 

Inside the class, there is a task help me to do print and add 1 after 1 clk. 

However, program isn't run as I want, program will hold @(posedge clk) inside task. 

Could someone tell me what's going on?? 








timescale 1ns/1ps; class sv_function; local int i; function new(); i = 0; endfunction function void print(); $display("Current i = %d",i); endfunction function void add_1(); i++; endfunction task op_print(input logic clk); print(); @(posedge clk); add_1(); endtask endclass module tb2(); parameter CLK_SPEED = 1; logic clk; logic reset; event EVENT_FINISH_RESET; event EVENT_FINISH_STIMULATE; sv_function c = new; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------// // assignment area //-----------------------------------------------------------------------// // Design under test //-----------------------------------------------------------------------// always begin clk = 1'b0; # CLK_SPEED; clk = 1'b1; # CLK_SPEED; end //-----------------------------------------------------------------------// initial begin reset = 1'b0; # CLK_SPEED; reset = 1'b1; # (CLK_SPEED*4); reset = 1'b0; -> EVENT_FINISH_RESET; wait(EVENT_FINISH_STIMULATE); $display("!!!!!SIMULATION FINISH!!!!!"); # 100000 $stop; end //-----------------------------------------------------------------------// // testbench operation initial begin wait(EVENT_FINISH_RESET); c.op_print(clk); c.op_print(clk); c.op_print(clk); ->EVENT_FINISH_STIMULATE; end //-----------------------------------------------------------------------// endmodule
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