Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16690 Discussions

TCL scripting in quartus 23p3


i am a beginner in tcl scripting and came across a design problem.

Of multiple qsys present in my project, i want to select a particular qsys and then select a particular ip in that qsys and then i want to enable/disable it based on user input. this i want to do using tcl script. i got some suggestion to do it using ELABORATION CALLBACK. i have no idea how this tcl script will execute in quartus elaboration process. do i need to update qsf for that. please provide some suggestion. also i request to please provide some script for reference, if possible.
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4 Replies

We dont have any reference directly related you requirement. But below are flow how you can achieve that that I could think of and snippet example.

1. enable_disable_ip_callback is the procedure that gets executed during the elaboration phase.

2. qsys_instance_name and ip_name variables are set to the names of your Qsys instance and IP, respectively.

3. The user input is simulated with the variable user_input. You should replace it with your actual user input handling mechanism.

4. The set_property commands enable or disable the IP based on the user input.

5. Finally, the add_elaboration_callback command registers the elaboration callback procedure.

You can integrate this script into your Quartus project and execute it during synthesis/elaboration. Make sure to replace "my_qsys_instance" and "my_ip" with your actual Qsys instance and IP names, respectively, and modify the user input handling according to your requirements.

# Define elaboration callback procedure

proc enable_disable_ip_callback { args } {

  set qsys_instance_name "my_qsys_instance"

  set ip_name "my_ip"

  # Check if the current instance is the desired Qsys instance

  if {[lindex $args 0] eq $qsys_instance_name} {

    # Get the handle to the desired IP

    set ip_handle [lindex $args 1]

    # Check user input (0 for disable, 1 for enable)

    set user_input 1 ;# For demonstration, set it to enable by default

    # You can replace this with your actual user input handling mechanism

    if {$user_input == 0} {

      # Disable IP

      set_property -dict [list CONFIG.enabled 0] $ip_handle

      puts "Disabled $ip_name in $qsys_instance_name"

    } elseif {$user_input == 1} {

      # Enable IP

      set_property -dict [list CONFIG.enabled 1] $ip_handle

      puts "Enabled $ip_name in $qsys_instance_name"

    } else {

      puts "Invalid user input!"




# Register the elaboration callback

add_elaboration_callback enable_disable_ip_callback

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Thanks for ur reply
How can I integrate this script into my Quartus project and execute it during synthesis/elaboration.
Also, if I enable the ip , will the rtl be generated corresponding to that ip because ip generation happens initially and script will execute in elaboration process right?
Will correct me if I am wrong.
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I believe there is function to disable the IP generation for every compilation. Thus you may run you script right away without IP generation.

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