Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16624 Discussions

Testbench didnt work for my Rnot Snot flip flop

Honored Contributor II

Hello there, i have problem. My tb file didnt work. Can someone please help me and test it? 

I have Quartus 13.0 SP1. For simulation i use AlteraSim. Thanks a lot: 

VHDL file: 

library IEEE; --kniznica IEEEuse IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; --pouzitie IEEE.STD_LOGIC pre vyuzitie STD_LOGIC FUNKCII entity rs_nand is -- popis entity Port (rnot,snot: in STD_LOGIC; -- definovany port s log.vstupmi R, S q,qb : out STD_LOGIC); -- VYSTUPY Q QB end rs_nand; --koniec popisu entity architecture rs_nand_arch of rs_nand is --popis architektury signal tmp_q, tmp_qb : STD_LOGIC; -- vytvorenie logickych signalov tmp_q a tmp_qb signal r,s : STD_LOGIC; begin r <= not rnot; s <= not snot; tmp_q <= snot NAND tmp_qb; -- popis signalu architektury na NAND hradle tmp_qb <= rnot NAND tmp_q; -- popis signalu architektury na NAND hradle q <= tmp_q; -- priradenie signalu tmp_q pre vystup q qb <= tmp_qb; -- priradenie signalu tmp_qb pre vystup qb end rs_nand_arch; --koniec popisu architektury 

TB file: 

library IEEE; --kniznicause IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; --pouzitie log. funkcii STD_LOGIC entity rs_nand is --opis entity port(rnot, snot : in std_logic; q, qb : out std_logic); end rs_nand; architecture rs_nand_arch of rs_nand is signal tmp_q, tmp_qb : STD_LOGIC; signal r, s : STD_LOGIC; begin tmp_q <= snot NAND tmp_qb; tmp_qb <= rnot NAND tmp_q; r <= not rnot; s <= not snot; q <= tmp_q; qb <= tmp_qb; end rs_nand_arch; -------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity rs_nand_tb is --entita testbench end rs_nand_tb ; architecture tb of rs_nand_tb is --architektura component rs_nand is -- komponent rs_nand je komponentom architektury tb, ktora je pod entitou rs_nand_tb port(rnot, snot : in std_logic; --port komponentu s vstupmi q, qb : out std_logic); --vystupmi end component; --uknceny popis komponentu ------------- signal rnot, snot, q, qb : std_logic; --logicke signaly, ktore je mozne dalej opisat v port mappingu ------------- begin mapping: rs_nand port map(rnot, snot, q, qb); --mapovanie portov pre danu entitu process --opis procesu. V procese je kod rovnocenny --s <= '0'; a r <= '0'; -- je to isté ako r <= '0'; a s <= '0'; --rychlost vykonavania krokov v procese je identicka, nezalezi na poradi, riadku v kode begin --zaciatok opisu procesov (ktore mozu nastat, stavy) -------------TEST 1 snot <= '0'; rnot <= '0'; wait for 10 ns; assert(q = '1') report "Error 1" severity error; --zakazany stav assert(qb = '1'); --funkcia assert vie nastavit stav výstupu, moze aj referovat chybu! ----------TEST 2 snot <= '0'; rnot <= '1'; wait for 10 ns; assert(q = '1'); -- assert(qb = '0'); ----------TEST 3 snot <= '1'; rnot <= '0'; wait for 10 ns; --10ns caka v tomto stave assert(q = '0'); assert(qb = '1'); ----------TEST 4 snot <= '1'; rnot <= '1'; wait for 10 ns; assert(q = q); assert(qb = not q); end process; --koniec opisu procesov end tb; --koniec opisu architektury tb configuration cfg_tb of rs_nand_tb is --konfiguracia test bench entity for tb --cyklus je prazdny, nema ziadnu specificku funkciu v nasom pripade end for; --koniec cyklu end cfg_tb --koniec opisu konfiguracie
0 Kudos
6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You don't say what the problem is.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

AlteraSim is clear.. Nothing show. Didnt see my project in left list too. Waveform simulation working OK, altera's not.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Do you mean Modelsim? Quartus has an internal simulator which only simulates compiled designs. Modelsim is a 3rd party simulator, where intel provides a copy for free. 

So what simulator are you having problems with, and what exactly is the problem?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Yes ModelSim-Altera. That's it. There is blank black window, where normally you can see waves. On left list, there isnt my design. Few days ago with older version of sketches it worked. I added r and s variables to that design. Only as signals std_logic. Because i simulate Rnot Snot flip flop. For that i must added (non negated) R and S. Can you please help me? Can you try that on your machine? I posted tb and normal vhd entity file.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Are there any errors in the transcript window?

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Oh my god yes... ; missing at the end of last row. in tb. Error notice was "under" display. Thanks! Working.

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