Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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TimeQuest Clocks Quick Start Guide

Honored Contributor II

Since the TimeQuest timing engine generally requires SDC constraints by the user to get started, I created a quick start guide that can be followed in order to quickly enter the clock constraints into a design and get the user going. It's split into two parts, where pages 2 and 3 are more like a cookbook, with straightforward directions ton quickly create an SDC file(it should take ~10 minutes). After that is a list of all the steps again, but with more detail into what they're doing, why, and other details to help answer questions. The purpose is not to delve into all the TimeQuest nitty-gritty, but to get a user up and running quickly with a valid SDC file.  


If anyone tries this, please post any feedback and I'll try to reply and/or make modifications as necessary.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Its a pdf file, there is no pdf file in my system. So please it here in another way. I want to check it out.

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Honored Contributor II

Note that I've roled this document into a larger TimeQuest User Guide(this part is in the first section):
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