Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16603 Discussions

Timing Optimized VHDL Code

Honored Contributor II

I'm looking for coding guidelines, rules, online resources, examples, etc. on how to write VHDL code that helps me achieve a higher fmax for my FPGA design. 


Does anybody have any good recommendations?
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I'm gonna bump up that thread one more time. 

What I had in mind were things like to use certain state machine encodings. 

I also think I remember reading that counters with many bits make it difficult to reach higher frequencies. 


Those are just two examples I came across, not sure if those are really significant. 

Is there any good literature about that topic?
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Honored Contributor II
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Honored Contributor II

Increasing the FMax of a design is all about decreasing the routing delay between two registers. Routing delay is primarily increased by logic (ie. LUTs). If you understand how your code is mapping to logic and registers, then it is simply a case of modifying your code to reduce the logic and adding more pipeline stages. Its not about knowing specific coding examples, as every situation is different. 


I would suggest understand how your code maps to logic first before reading up how to increase FMax as you will not understand the 2nd problem without understanding the first.
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Honored Contributor II

Ok, so how do I go about checking how my code is mapping to logic and registers? 


Do you mean looking at actual synthesis results, and if yes, how? 

Can you direct me to any kind of documentation that explains those concepts? 


At this point I never thought past RTL code, besides maybe that a clocked process is something like a flip flop.
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Honored Contributor II

This comes down to fundamental understanding - you're going to have to find textbooks on basic digital logic hardware and read a good VHDL tutorial that shows you the templates for basic elements and shows you designs - I think this often gets good reviews: 


But there are many many out there. 



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At this point I never thought past RTL code, besides maybe that a clocked process is something like a flip flop. 


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In a clocked process, every bit of every signal assigned in the becomes a single flip flop. The if/elseif/else statements make the combinatorial logic. 

So the more layered ifs, the longer the logic chain. (this is a very crude analogy, but you will need to understand what logic your code is generating. 


So see the generated output - you need the RTL and map viewers, available in Quartus via Tools->Netlist Viewers.
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