Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16666 Discussions

Unable to scan device chain

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 

I´m relativ new with the CPLD´s, and now I have the first problem with programming the device. It´s a EPM570T100. 

I ´m using a Elcamino PICoMax to programm the device. This works with one of my boards, so the programmer seems to be o.k. But I have another board which has always this error message when trying to Auto-detect: 


Unable to scan devive chain. Can´t scan JTAG chain...... 


I checked twice every pin, VCC, GND and the 4 JTAG pins... no error found. I also measured with the Scope at the 4 pins. I see a signal on all 4 pins, but I´m not sure if they are right...  

My three questions:  


Any ideas what my problem is? 

What do I have to see at this pins? 

How do I use the debugger to find the error? 


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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

What devices are in the chain on the board that doesn't work ? Do any devices have a TRSTn pin ? If so, this pin normally requires to be held low for normal operation and raised high for JTAG chain. Holding it low will break the chain.

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Honored Contributor II

Hi, No other devices in the chain. 

But I fixed it:  

1. My Laptop seems to have problems with the parallel port. The other PC works now 

2. I had to put more caps to the supply. 4x 100nF are not enough. Now I have 6x 1µF and it works!
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Honored Contributor II

Good diagnosis 


I've also had problems with ground loops and laptops. Some (perhaps older) laptops have 2-pin mains adapter connections, which means there is no earth. So a substantial AC leakage current can run round the JTAG circuit ground if the DUT is properly grounded. There are at least two ways to fix this: 1 get an AC adapter with a properly connected ground; run a substantial ground cable from the parallel port to the DUT's ground.
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Honored Contributor II

Just solder 4 x 10nF Capacitors from all 4 Data/Clock wires to ground and everything is fine!

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