Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

VHDL Slot Machine

Honored Contributor II

I am trying to make a program on a DE-1 board. It is a slot machine. The board will use 3 buttons. One for manual stopping numbers, one for automatically stopping all the numbers, and one to reset. The autostop portion will use a random number generator. I have no idea what is going wrong with this and I know there is a lot. Can somebody help? I attached my entire vhd file. It is also right here: 


Library ieee; 

use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; 

use ieee.std_logic_arith.ALL; 

use ieee.math_real.ALL; 


entity project is 

port ( manualStop, autoStop, reset, clock : in std_logic; 

ssd3, ssd2, ssd1, ssd0 : out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)); 

end project; 


architecture arch of project is  


type display is array(0 to 9) of std_logic_vector(0 to 6); 

constant displayMap: display := ("0000001", "1001111", "0010010", "0000110",  

"1001100", "0100100", "0100000", "0001111", "0000000", "0000100"); 

type display2 is array(0 to 3) of std_logic_vector(0 to 6); 

constant winDisplay: display2 := ("0000110", "1001111", "0001001", "0001000"); 

constant loseDisplay: display2 := ("1110001", "0000001", "0100100", "0110000"); 

signal slowClock : std_logic := '0'; 




variable counter : integer := 0; 


if rising_edge(clock) then 

if (counter = 200000) then --24Mhz/60hz/2 

slowClock <= not slowClock; 

counter := 0; 


counter := counter + 1; 

end if; 

end if; 

end process; 


variable spin1 : integer := 1; 

variable spin2 : integer := 1; 

variable spin3 : integer := 1; 

variable spin4 : integer := 1; 

variable fini**** : integer := 0; 

variable value1 : integer := 0; 

variable value2 : integer := 2; 

variable value3 : integer := 3; 

variable value4 : integer := 6; 


variable rand: real; 

variable s1 : positive := 1; 

variable s2 : positive := 1; 

variable waiter: integer := 1; 



if (rising_edge(slowClock)) then 


if( spin1 = 1 ) then 

value1 := ((value1 + 1) mod 9); 

end if; 

if( spin2 = 1 ) then 

value2 := (value2 + 1) mod 9; 

end if; 

if( spin3 = 1 ) then 

value3 := (value3 + 1) mod 9; 

end if; 

if( spin4 = 1 ) then 

value4 := (value4 + 1) mod 9; 

end if; 

wait for 300 ms; 

ssd3 <= displayMap(value4); 

ssd2 <= displayMap(value3); 

ssd1 <= displayMap(value2); 

ssd0 <= displayMap(value1); 


if (fini**** = 1) then 

UNIFORM(s1, s2, rand); 

waiter := INTEGER(TRUNC(rand*10.0)); 

for I in 1 to waiter loop 

if( spin1 = 1 ) then 

value1 := (value1 + 1) mod 9; 

end if; 

if( spin2 = 1) then 

value2 := (value2 + 1) mod 9; 

end if; 

if( spin3 = 1 ) then 

value3 := (value3 + 1) mod 9; 

end if; 

if( spin4 = 1 ) then 

value4 := (value4 + 1) mod 9; 

end if; 

wait for 300 ms; 

ssd3 <= displayMap(value4); 

ssd2 <= displayMap(value3); 

ssd1 <= displayMap(value2); 

ssd0 <= displayMap(value1); 

end loop; 

if ( spin1 = 1 ) then 

spin1 := 0; 

elsif ( spin2 = 1 ) then 

spin2 := 0; 

elsif ( spin3 = 1 ) then 

spin3 := 0; 

elsif ( spin4 = 1 ) then 

spin4 := 0; 

end if; 

elsif ( manualStop = '0' ) then 

if ( spin1 = 1 ) then 

spin1 := 0; 

elsif ( spin2 = 1 ) then 

spin2 := 0; 

elsif ( spin3 = 1 ) then 

spin3 := 0; 

elsif ( spin4 = 1 ) then 

spin4 := 0; 

end if; 

elsif ( autoStop = '0' ) then 

fini**** := 1; 

elsif ( reset = '0' ) then 

spin1 := 1; 

spin2 := 1; 

spin3 := 1; 

spin4 := 1; 

fini**** := 0; 

value1 := 0; 

value2 := 2; 

value3 := 3; 

value4 := 6; 

end if; 

if ( spin1 = 0 ) and ( spin2 = 0 ) and ( spin3 = 0 ) and ( spin4 = 0 ) then 

if ( value1 = 0 ) and ( value2 = 0 ) and ( value3 = 0 ) and ( value4 = 0 ) then 

while ( reset = '1' ) loop 

wait for 1000 ms; 

ssd3 <= winDisplay(value4); 

ssd2 <= winDisplay(value3); 

ssd1 <= winDisplay(value2); 

ssd0 <= winDisplay(value1); 

wait for 1000 ms; 

ssd3 <= displayMap(value4); 

ssd2 <= displayMap(value3); 

ssd1 <= displayMap(value2); 

ssd0 <= displayMap(value1); 

end loop; 


while ( reset = '1' ) loop 

wait for 1000 ms; 

ssd3 <= loseDisplay(value4); 

ssd2 <= loseDisplay(value3); 

ssd1 <= loseDisplay(value2); 

ssd0 <= loseDisplay(value1); 

wait for 1000 ms; 

ssd3 <= displayMap(value4); 

ssd2 <= displayMap(value3); 

ssd1 <= displayMap(value2); 

ssd0 <= displayMap(value1); 

end loop; 

end if; 

end if; 

end loop; 

end if; 

end process; 

end arch; 




please help
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

What exactly is going wrong? 

I assume you know you cannot synthesise this code, as it is full of all sorts of unsynthesisable bits. I assume it's a simulation only model.
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Honored Contributor II

Interesting , but I agree with Tricky, I think anything's possible but I would be inclined to start with an example that works on the DE-1 board in the HDL you are familiar with. 

I have worked in Verilog and VHDL and for starting off ... Verilog may be easier to map to hardware ... I assume this is a design example as there are arguments for FPGA designs, Programmable controller based designs .. whatever design methodology, the Random Number Generator ( RNG ) is key and when electronics were first introduced to slot machines some governments forced vendors to still have mechanical moving parts ( wheels ) as a source of randomness. That I guess is just history now.
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Honored Contributor II

Alright thanks. Could someone start me out? I just need it to infinite loop at the start and increment the display numbers. I don't need buttons at all. I think I can do that myself. It is just starting out. I need to do it in VHDL. thanks.

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