Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16633 Discussions

VHDL - Writing a Value to Register

Honored Contributor II

I have an FPGA (Cyclone II) with four push buttons - the two left most ones should cycle up and down the 16 registers, while the two right most ones should increment and decrement the value stored in this register. Here is my attempt at the code to do this: 



entity raminfr is --inferring the RAM here 

port ( 

clk : in std_logic; 

we : in std_logic; 

a : in unsigned(3 downto 0); 

di : in unsigned(7 downto 0); 

do : out unsigned(7 downto 0) 


end raminfr; 



architecture rtl of raminfr is 



type ram_type is array (0 to 15) of unsigned(7 downto 0); 

signal RAM : ram_type; 

signal read_a : unsigned(3 downto 0); 




U1: entity work.lab1 port map ( --ERROR ON THIS LINE 

register_counter => a, 

value_counter => di 


process (clk) 


if rising_edge(clk) then 

if we = '1' then 

RAM(to_integer(a)) <= di; 

end if; 

read_a <= a; 

end if; 

end process; 

do <= RAM(to_integer(read_a)); 

end rtl; 





--lab1 starts here 

library ieee; 

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

use ieee.numeric_std.all; 



entity lab1 is  


clock : in std_logic; 

key : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);  

value_counter : out unsigned(7 downto 0) ; --value to be written to register 

register_counter : out unsigned(3 downto 0) --register to write value to 




end lab1; 



architecture up_and_down of lab1 is --actual button logic here 




if rising_edge(clock) then 

if (key(3)='0' and key(2)='0' and key(1)='1' and key(0)='0') then 

value_counter <= value_counter + "1";  

elsif (key(3)='0' and key(2)='0' and key(1)='0' and key(0)='1') then  

value_counter <= value_counter - "1"; 

elsif (key(3)='1' and key(2)='0' and key(1)='0' and key(0)='0') then 

register_counter<= register_counter + "1"; 

elsif (key(3)='0' and key(2)='1' and key(1)='0' and key(0)='0') then 

register_counter<= register_counter - "1"; 

end if; 

end if; 

end process; 

end architecture up_and_down; 



I get the error `Error (10577): VHDL error at DE2_TOP.vhd(312): actual port "a" of mode "in" cannot be associated with formal port "register_counter" of mode "out"`on the line indicated above. It is obvious this is not how I would go about doing what I want to do. Can someone shed some light on this?
0 Kudos
4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Look at the next line after the one where the error is and you will see what is wrong. 


You can not assign a input signal (in this case "a" from entity "raminfr" is a input) to a component where the signal is defined as output ("register_counter" from component "lab1" is a output and not a input).
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Look at the next line after the one where the error is and you will see what is wrong. 


You can not assign a input signal (in this case "a" from entity "raminfr" is a input) to a component where the signal is defined as output ("register_counter" from component "lab1" is a output and not a input). 

--- Quote End ---  



Yes, I realize that, but I don't know how to get around it. Do you see what I'm trying to accomplish? How do I legally get the value of register_counter into my RAM entity?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

You can define a second address signal for the write access to the memory from your "lab1" component. This way you will generate a dual port memory where one port is used for the external and one for the internal memory access. 

Or use a MUX to multiplex the external and internal address signals. 


I also recommend to assign "clk" and "key" to your "lab1" component instantiation.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

You can define a second address signal for the write access to the memory from your "lab1" component. This way you will generate a dual port memory where one port is used for the external and one for the internal memory access. 

Or use a MUX to multiplex the external and internal address signals. 


I also recommend to assign "clk" and "key" to your "lab1" component instantiation. 

--- Quote End ---  



I don't want to be a pest, but I'm a little bit new to VHDL - could you possibly elaborate on what you mean with a few lines of code?
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