Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16635 Discussions

Weird VHDL Multiplier Problem

Honored Contributor II

Hello all, 

I was recently given reign over a DE0-Nano board by my research adviser to turn into a interference fringe counter of sorts but I am having some problems programming multiplication in VHDL and cannot seem to find anyone with similar errors online (my adviser also seems to be befuddled as to what, exactly, is wrong). I am trying to multiply two 32 bit unsigned numbers, one of which is a constant and the other a signal from a button press(for testing purposes), and then later convert it to bcd and put it on a 7-seg display. I have successfully implemented a binary to bcd and bcd to 7seg display code and use a set of seven segmented displays to check the outputs for my multiplier. For certain constant values, such as "100...0" or "111...1" or "100...01", the multiplier seems to work properly. However, if the multiplier tries to multiply a 'sandwiched' zero (like the number 13 which has the binary representation 1101), it will fail to produce the correct output. For example if the constant is 13, the display reads the following solutions for each multiplication: 0x13=0; 1x13=13; 2x13=54; 3x13=39; 4x13=76; 5x13=65; etc... As you can see, some of the values are correct, however others are plain wrong. (NOTE: the pattern for 13 seems typical... the even multiples are off, although I do not know for sure if this is always the case).  


Here's my code for the multiplier: 

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity mult_32 is port ( a: in unsigned(31 downto 0); c : out unsigned(63 downto 0); clear : in std_logic ); constant b: unsigned(31 downto 0):=to_unsigned(13,32); end entity mult_32; architecture rtl of mult_32 is signal a_reg : unsigned(31 downto 0); signal b_reg: unsigned(31 downto 0); signal c_reg : unsigned(63 downto 0); begin process (clear) begin if (clear ='1') then -- Reset all register data to 0 a_reg <= (others => '0'); b_reg <= (others => '0'); c_reg <= (others => '0'); else -- Store input and output values in registers a_reg <= a; b_reg <= b; c_reg <= a_reg * b_reg; end if; end process; c<=c_reg; end rtl;  


I am new to coding in VHDL and believe that I have likely made some sort of syntax error, type cast conversion error (although I have been careful to use unsigned for everything) or other newbie mistake. If it is relevant, I am writing and compiling my code in Quratus II version 13 (64 bit version).  


Thanks for your help.
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12 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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Hello all, 

I was recently given reign over a DE0-Nano board by my research adviser to turn into a interference fringe counter of sorts but I am having some problems programming multiplication in VHDL and cannot seem to find anyone with similar errors online (my adviser also seems to be befuddled as to what, exactly, is wrong). I am trying to multiply two 32 bit unsigned numbers, one of which is a constant and the other a signal from a button press(for testing purposes), and then later convert it to bcd and put it on a 7-seg display. I have successfully implemented a binary to bcd and bcd to 7seg display code and use a set of seven segmented displays to check the outputs for my multiplier. For certain constant values, such as "100...0" or "111...1" or "100...01", the multiplier seems to work properly. However, if the multiplier tries to multiply a 'sandwiched' zero (like the number 13 which has the binary representation 1101), it will fail to produce the correct output. For example if the constant is 13, the display reads the following solutions for each multiplication: 0x13=0; 1x13=13; 2x13=54; 3x13=39; 4x13=76; 5x13=65; etc... As you can see, some of the values are correct, however others are plain wrong. (NOTE: the pattern for 13 seems typical... the even multiples are off, although I do not know for sure if this is always the case).  


Here's my code for the multiplier: 

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity mult_32 is port ( a: in unsigned(31 downto 0); c : out unsigned(63 downto 0); clear : in std_logic ); constant b: unsigned(31 downto 0):=to_unsigned(13,32); end entity mult_32; architecture rtl of mult_32 is signal a_reg : unsigned(31 downto 0); signal b_reg: unsigned(31 downto 0); signal c_reg : unsigned(63 downto 0); begin process (clear) begin if (clear ='1') then -- Reset all register data to 0 a_reg <= (others => '0'); b_reg <= (others => '0'); c_reg <= (others => '0'); else -- Store input and output values in registers a_reg <= a; b_reg <= b; c_reg <= a_reg * b_reg; end if; end process; c<=c_reg; end rtl;  


I am new to coding in VHDL and believe that I have likely made some sort of syntax error, type cast conversion error (although I have been careful to use unsigned for everything) or other newbie mistake. If it is relevant, I am writing and compiling my code in Quratus II version 13 (64 bit version).  


Thanks for your help. 

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You will first need to add clock to your system and see. Your design looks combinatorial and result will not be saved, the delay variations will cause trouble. Yoy have named your signal reg but it is not inferred as reg.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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I am having some problems programming multiplication in VHDL 

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As Kaz points out, you have not created a synchronous process. In addition, I would advise you to create a simulation of your logic, as then you would be able to state "It works in simulation, but not in hardware", and from that we can point out what can go wrong in hardware :) 


Read through this tutorial on using FPGAs for doing signal processing, look at the slides, and download the code; 


The tutorial was tested on the DE0-nano. One of the examples shows how you can reduce the width of your product, eg., you do not need to keep all 64-bits of the 32-bit x 32-bit product if you do not want to. 


You'll also see how SignalTap II can be used in hardware to "see" what is going on; which can help with "it does not work in hardware" ... :) 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Contrary to Kaz' and Dave's suggestions, you don't need to create a synchronous process.  

For a combinatorial process Quartus II will complain about a, a_reg, b_reg not being in the sensitivity list but will produce a valid circuit. Modelsim will keep silent about the sensitivity list but may fail to simulate correctly (IMHO). 

Is this the exact code of your project, or a write-up? It would be interesting to see all the code.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Yes it's a valid circuit and asynchronous. The error can be expected in the other part of the design. 


In terms of general FPGA design methodology, it would be reasonable to switch to a synchronous design, but it's not necessarily required. If the total design is asynchronous and doesn't latch data at the wrong time, it should manage to show the result on a 7-segment display.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Yes it's a valid circuit and asynchronous. The error can be expected in the other part of the design. 


In terms of general FPGA design methodology, it would be reasonable to switch to a synchronous design, but it's not necessarily required. If the total design is asynchronous and doesn't latch data at the wrong time, it should manage to show the result on a 7-segment display. 

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In practice, you cannot design proper projects in asynchronous logic in FPGAs. For student level miniature designs you may but and I see it wrong advise beginners to have their tiny circuit in asynchronous logic. If it was possible all the fuss about fmax would have disappeared and TimeQuest thrown in the bin. 


The fpga design is based on rtl when a register exist on either side of logic cloud. 


Moreover for testing you get cleaner waveforms when you are sampling your outputs at clock edge only away from delay effect.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi guys, 


All good points ... keep in mind the original comment  


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a signal from a button press 


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A button should be debounced, and that would typically be done with logic that uses a clock, and hence it would be "good design practice" to also use a clock for the multiplier. 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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For example if the constant is 13, the display reads the following solutions for each multiplication: 0x13=0; 1x13=13; 2x13=54; 3x13=39; 4x13=76; 5x13=65; etc... As you can see, some of the values are correct, however others are plain wrong. 

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The symptom nevertheless is that (so far we can see) the results for even inputs are incorrect. Not that the button is bouncy. I repeat that we very probably don't see the real code from dropneedle. That what he has shown is basically correct, and supporting Frank, the problem must lie elsewhere in his code.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi Josy, 


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the problem must lie elsewhere in his code 


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Yeah, sure ... 


The original post has the comment: 


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convert it to bcd and put it on a 7-seg display 


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So that's the first place I'd recommend looking. 


Of course if the code was written along with a testbench, then we probably wouldn't need to have this discussion :) 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

thanks everyone for your suggestions. Adding a clock to the multiplier fixes the problem. I'll be sure to check out the files Dave posted to try and get a better hold of the basics so my future questions are less cryptic to all of you.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

the code I posted is what I was using for the multiplier verbatim (copied and pasted from the .vhd file). It is attached to other things but I bypassed them to just have it display on the 7segmented display. I know the display works fine because if I wire it up to the button press or use an input signal from a function generator it produces the correct values.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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if I wire it up to the button press or use an input signal from a function generator it produces the correct values. 

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As a general rule for FPGA design; whenever you "look" at an external signal in the synchronous domain of the FPGA, you should always synchronize external signals to the FPGA clock domain. 


In the case of your push-button, this generally means using a dual-DFF synchronizer, followed by debounce logic, eg., the signal state must be static for 100 clocks before the output of the debounce logic outputs a change in state. 


In the case of your external synthesizer, if there are no reflections on the signal, using a dual-DFF synchronizer should be fine. 


You can use the SignalTap II logic analyzer to "capture" a trace from your external signal, eg., at 50MHz or 100MHz sample rate, and from those traces, you will see the effect of button bounce. 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

One last question for you guys, although this technically isn't a multiplier question (but I'm trying to implement it inside the multiplier so I guess it is related). I added a line of code after the multiplication to do division (as well as the necessary registers).  


c_reg is the numerator and b_reg is the denominator in this code. e_reg stores the value for the division. I checked both of these registers to make sure they are the correct values (and they indeed are for any given inputs from a function generator).  


Now the code that does the computation looks like this: 


begin process (clk, clear, disp) begin if (clear ='1') then -- Reset all register data to 0 a_reg <= (others => '0'); b_reg <= (others => '0'); c_reg <= (others => '0'); d_reg <= (others => '0'); e_reg <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- Store input and output values in registers a_reg <= a; b_reg <= b; d_reg <= d; c_reg <= (a_reg * d_reg); e_reg <= (c_reg/b_reg); end if; end process; 


The blue line is what I added. Now when I go to have the data display on the display I made, it doesn't output the right values (although its always within 10% of the correct value, which is odd to me). 


For completeness, I tried writing a separate 'divide.vhd' file for division but had a similar problem and thought that it may be caused by some kind of clock issue between the multiplier and divider (although I wouldn't know why) and thought if it was imbedded in the multiplication file it would possibly correct the issue in compilation. However, that does not seem to be the case. 


Thanks for your help, 

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