Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17007 Discussions

Why does Cyclone 10 LP FPGAs not have a fast and warm corner in the multi-corner timing analysis in Quartus?

New Contributor I

The Cyclone 10 LP FPGA does only have a 3 corner timing analysis for the multi-corner timing analysis, where for example Cyclone V FPGA has the usual 4 corner timing analysis, with (slow, fast) x (cold, warm).


The 3 corners can be seen in the report from Timing Analyzer after synthesis:


The timing analysis corner that is missing is the fast and warm (85C), and it applies to all the Cyclone 10 LP devices (e.g. 10CL055YF484C6G) in Quartus Prime Lite ver. 19.1.0 Build 670 09/22/2019.


Is this missing fast and warm (85C) corner intentional, and for what reason, or is it a bug for the Cyclone 10 LP FPGAs in Quartus?


Thanks in advance for any support.


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1 Solution

Does this mean, that the Intel FPGA engineers have determined, that the multi-corner timing analysis is reliable without the fast and warm (85C) corner?


Yup, that is correct. If you pull out the cyclone IV. It does not have fast and warn (85C) corner as well.


Or do we have to wait for modelling of the fast and warm (85C) corner before we can do final timing sign-off on and thereby production release of our design in a Cyclone 10 LP?

You do not need to wait for it as even old device like Cyclone IV does not have this.

View solution in original post

4 Replies



This is not a bug, the reason it there are no modeling on this fast 85C corner by Intel FPGA engineer. We are sorry to inform this.


Usually, we would focus on  most pessimistic (slowest) model which is the "Slow 1200mV 85C Model."


Only certain device family we do modeling on Fast 1200mV 85C model.



New Contributor I

Hi KennyT,


Thanks for the answer.


Does this mean, that the Intel FPGA engineers have determined, that the multi-corner timing analysis is reliable without the fast and warm (85C) corner?



Or do we have to wait for modelling of the fast and warm (85C) corner before we can do final timing sign-off on and thereby production release of our design in a Cyclone 10 LP?


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Does this mean, that the Intel FPGA engineers have determined, that the multi-corner timing analysis is reliable without the fast and warm (85C) corner?


Yup, that is correct. If you pull out the cyclone IV. It does not have fast and warn (85C) corner as well.


Or do we have to wait for modelling of the fast and warm (85C) corner before we can do final timing sign-off on and thereby production release of our design in a Cyclone 10 LP?

You do not need to wait for it as even old device like Cyclone IV does not have this.

New Contributor I

Thanks for the clarification and precise answer. That concludes the case. Have a nice day.

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