Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16606 Discussions

Why is the early resource estimate feature of aoc so off?

Honored Contributor II

Hi everyone, 


I'm trying to compile a kernel that has multiples loops, of which some are also nested, and the early resource estimate feature gives me estimations that are quite off. Can somebody explain me why or experienced the same? 


Moreover, in some cases I could see that using #pragma unroll n reduced the estimate usage. Could it be that also in this case the estimations are off? or that, implementing the logic of some loop is more demanding that actually unroll it? In this case the unrolling factor is never bigger than 80 and the body of the loop is maximum 2 instructions. 



Early resource estimate: 80% logic, 36% ALUTs, 44% registers, 21% RAMs, 12% DSPs Kernel 'process': throughput: 4.92e+05 / resources: 64% logic, 26% ALUTs, 38% registers, 8% RAMs, 12% DSPs) ---------------------------------- Using attributes: Kernel 'process': max_unroll_loops(80) num_simd_work_items(1) num_compute_units(1) num_share_resources(1) max_share_resources(8) aoc: Compiling.... Early resource estimate: 195% logic, 121% ALUTs, 85% registers, 22% RAMs, 6% DSPs Kernel 'process': throughput: 2.34e+05 / resources: 180% logic, 111% ALUTs, 78% registers, 9% RAMs, 6% DSPs) ---------------------------------- Using attributes: Kernel 'process': max_unroll_loops(1) num_simd_work_items(2) num_compute_units(1) num_share_resources(1) max_share_resources(8) aoc: Compiling.... Early resource estimate: 80% logic, 36% ALUTs, 44% registers, 21% RAMs, 12% DSPs Kernel 'process': throughput: 4.92e+05 / resources: 64% logic, 26% ALUTs, 38% registers, 8% RAMs, 12% DSPs) ---------------------------------- Using attributes: Kernel 'process': max_unroll_loops(1) num_simd_work_items(1) num_compute_units(2) num_share_resources(1) max_share_resources(8) aoc: Compiling.... Early resource estimate: 146% logic, 64% ALUTs, 83% registers, 31% RAMs, 25% DSPs Kernel 'process': throughput: 9.84e+05 / resources: 129% logic, 53% ALUTs, 76% registers, 16% RAMs, 25% DSPs) ---------------------------------- Using attributes: Kernel 'process': max_unroll_loops(1) num_simd_work_items(1) num_compute_units(1) num_share_resources(1) max_share_resources(8) aoc: Compiling.... Early resource estimate: 80% logic, 36% ALUTs, 44% registers, 21% RAMs, 12% DSPs Kernel 'process': throughput: 4.92e+05 / resources: 64% logic, 26% ALUTs, 38% registers, 8% RAMs, 12% DSPs) aoc: Compiling.... aoc: Linking with IP library ... +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; Estimated Resource Usage Summary ; +----------------------------------------+---------------------------+ ; Resource + Usage ; +----------------------------------------+---------------------------+ ; Logic utilization ; 80% ; ; Dedicated logic registers ; 45% ; ; Memory blocks ; 21% ; ; DSP blocks ; 13% ; +----------------------------------------+---------------------------; aoc: First stage compilation completed successfully. Error: Cannot fit kernel(s) on device real 200m31.304s user 254m36.344s sys 5m58.536s
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

It's possible that without the# pragma unroll the compiler unrolls the loop on its own. Have you tried force disabling unrolling with "#pragma unroll 1"? 

But yeah, I've also had odd cases with the estimates. I'm currently using a kernel that was estimated to take 190%. 

It ended up still fitting, but the compilation took a lot of time. I've never encountered an estimate below 100% that didn't work though.
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Honored Contributor II


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It's possible that without the# pragma unroll the compiler unrolls the loop on its own. Have you tried force disabling unrolling with "#pragma unroll 1"? 

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I didn't think about it, will for sure look into it! 

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Honored Contributor II

Since you're working looking into logic utilization: Did you find a way to find the actual logic utilization after the compilation completes, not just the initial estimate. I haven't been able to find that number anywhere.

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Honored Contributor II


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Since you're working looking into logic utilization: Did you find a way to find the actual logic utilization after the compilation completes, not just the initial estimate. I haven't been able to find that number anywhere. 

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You can get the actual values after compilation by going into the created folder for the hardware and opening the project "top.qpf" in Quartus. 


Then go to Processing -> Compilation Report -> Analysis & Synthesis -> Resource Usage Summary
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