Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16642 討論

error in the address width of CFI in sopc builder

榮譽貢獻者 II
1,248 檢視

Hi,everyone,please forgive my poor English! 

I use the Quartus II 9.1 in windows xp.In the sopc builder,I set the address width(bits) of flash memory interface as 22 .Then ,in the .bdf file of the project the address width is 23 (address_to_the_cfi_flash[22..0]). 

I don't know what's wrong,how can I do this right?
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2 回應
榮譽貢獻者 II
572 檢視

So you are using 16bit Flash, right? 

The address from sopc builder is BYTE ADDRESS, and the address of you flash chip is WORD ADDRESS. 

Simply throw the A0 from your nios module away, connect them like this: 

Your Nios Module Flash Chip 

A1 A0 

A2 A1 



A22 A21
榮譽貢獻者 II
572 檢視

Thank you very much!!!
