Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16611 Discussions

get unconstrained pathes with quartus_sta shell script / qsta_experiment.tcl

Honored Contributor II



I would like to report unconstrained pathes within an automated tcl script. 


quartus_sta commands like "report_ucp" and "check_timing" do their reporting only to the Panel, stdout, or to a file. 

With "get_report_panel_data" i have managed to get the data from the Panel, but of course this only works if the GUI is open. 


I would like to just use "foreach_in_collection" loops rather than parsing report files. 


The "qsta_experiment.tcl" script which can be found in the quartus/common/tcl/internal folder seems to be exact what i am looking for. 

This script reports these extra metrics if enabled via quartus.ini, which are for example unconstrained ports/pathes. 


Unfortunately the ports which are listed seems also to include ports with "set_false_path" assignments, which results to an incorrect report. 


Is there a (simple/prefered) way to get a list of "really" unconstrained ports like the "report_ucp" command, or a way to get the results within tcl in a shell only setup? 



Any hint is welcome, thanks! 


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