Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

qsys-script problems

Honored Contributor II



Is anyone successfully using the qsys-script tool? It looks like it would be really useful to automate the creation of several similar qsys systems, but I cannot get it to work. 


Every tcl command I try and issue it says is invalid. For example below I try to output a simple test message (though I get the same errors with create_system etc). I type into the Nios II Command Shell: 


qsys-script --cmd="send_message INFO testmessage" 


And I get... 


2012.07.30.21:05:30 Info: Doing: <b>qsys-script --cmd=send_message INFO testmessage</b> 2012.07.30.21:05:33 Error: invalid command name "send_message" 


It seems odd that the info/error messages contain HTML tags. Am I supposed to be running this in a GUI or some other shell/prompt? 


It doesn't appear to make any difference whether I specify the commands using the --cmd argument or in a script using --script. 


It looks like this was only added to the Quartus handbook in version 12. I'm currently on 12.0, but I am downloading SP1 to see if that helps. 


I'm fairly new to tcl scripting, so is there something really obvious I'm missing here? 



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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

send_message isnt a tcl command, it is a function included in a quartus package i believe. this works though: 


qsys-script --cmd="puts hello" 


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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

send_message isnt a tcl command, it is a function included in a quartus package i believe 


--- Quote End ---  



Thanks for your reply. I got send_message from the command list at the end of chapter 5 in vol 1 of the Quartus handbook. Though I've not tried them all, other commands from that list seem to give the same error message. 


The impression I get from the handbook is that I can just call those commands directly in my script. Perhaps I need to 'include' something (if tcl scripting has such a concept) before they will work? 



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Honored Contributor II

Re-reading the handbook, it appears I missed the fact that you need to call qsys-script with the --package-version=<value> argument (or include something similar in my script). First time I read it I think I assumed this was only necessary if I was trying to use a version other than the version of the qsys-script executable, but apparently not. Setting this to 12.0 fixes my problems.  


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