Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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question about Quartus II 7.2 web edition license

Honored Contributor II

Hi guys, 


I have done a project under Quartus II 7.2 web edition(30-day evaluation mode). I intend to release a paper based on the project. So I am wondering how can I apply or purchase a license for it? Thanks.
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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I have done a project under Quartus II 7.2 web edition(30-day evaluation mode). I intend to release a paper based on the project. So I am wondering how can I apply or purchase a license for it? 

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Why not use a more recent version? 


You do not need to purchase a license for the tool to publish a paper. 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi Dave, 

Thank you for your reply. The reason why I prefer to use Quartus II 7.2 was it provided waveform editor. As I know, it has been canceled in later versions. 

Actually, I am about to write my thesis based on that project. Also, I need to pass all of the code and schematic to someone in the industry for review. So I am considering for purchase a license for the tool. Otherwise, I feel sort of "illegal" for not doing research on authorized tool. Could you give me any suggestions? Thanks.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Thank you for your reply. The reason why I prefer to use Quartus II 7.2 was it provided waveform editor. As I know, it has been canceled in later versions. 


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For good reason. Hand drawing waveforms is not a good verification technique. 


If you would like to learn how to use Modelsim, I can get you started. 


There's VHDL testbenches here: 


and SystemVerilog ones here: 



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Actually, I am about to write my thesis based on that project.  


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Great! Good luck with your writeup. 


Once you've described the design, post a link to the chapters, and source code, and people on this list can help review it.  


If the design is well explained, then getting a Modelsim simulation working should be straightforward. 



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Also, I need to pass all of the code and schematic to someone in the industry for review. So I am considering for purchase a license for the tool. Otherwise, I feel sort of "illegal" for not doing research on authorized tool. Could you give me any suggestions? 

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You are already using an Authorized tool. Altera provide the web edition for you to use. You can post your design here, to me, or to anyone, and there is nothing illegal about it. 


For example, look here, there's lots of code and scripts I have written for Altera tools: (


Altera does not consider this illegal. 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi Dave, 


Thank you for your reply, it really helpful. But, I got two more questions. Do you know which version of Modelsim that Quartus II 7.2 web edition should work with? Does there exists a QXP file for project under Quartus II 7.2 web edition? I cannot find that file in my project folder:-( Thanks.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Do you know which version of Modelsim that Quartus II 7.2 web edition should work with? 


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The FTP site no longer has the Altera Starter Edition file associated with 7.2 


However, you should really upgrade to the latest version of Quartus. If your design is written using VHDL or Verilog, it will work fine. 



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Does there exists a QXP file for project under Quartus II 7.2 web edition? I cannot find that file in my project folder:-( Thanks. 

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No idea. I don't use them. 



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