Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16827 Discussions

question about SDK license for OpenCl

Honored Contributor II

Hi there I am a student and I have some question about the SDK license for OpenCL: 


1. Do you have special price license for academic use? 

2. Is it possible that the license can be use for 2 people? 

3. Is it possible that the license can be use in two computers (1 desktop, 1 laptop)? 

4. How long is the license? 


Also I found a link about the purchase of the license, its cost 200 dlls. 


Thanks a lot in advance and I will waiting for your response.
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7 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi Wen, 


I was in contact with Altera this week with some of the same questions, and here is what I know: 


  • The license is generated using your computer's MAC address. It's intended for use on one computer. 

  • It's a perpetual license, so you can use it forever 

  • There is a 60-day trial that you can get by contacting them 

  • The full price for the AOCL SDK license from Altera is US$995. I asked Terasic about that OpenCL bundle you linked to, but they don't allow you to buy the bundle from them unless you buy the $8000 DE5-Net. For the DE1-SoC, you have to get the license from Altera. 

  • You don't need a paid Quartus Prime Standard/Pro license to use the AOCL SDK. It works fine with Quartus Prime Lite Edition (the free version) 



Hope this helps! If you find out that there is special pricing for academic use, please let me know too. I'm currently on the 60-day trial and I'm a student too, so if there is a academic discount that would help me out alot.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi rxxq, 


Here is what the people from ALTERA replied me: 



"Hi Wendy, 


Altera University Program does provide free subscription license to Professors/Faculty members of qualified universities. However, students are not eligible to apply through this program. 


But you may ask your Professor to apply on behalf by filling out the License Request Form at


If you need fixed license, you may request for 2pcs of SDK for OpenCL. 



Fixed license—a stand-alone (node-locked, single-user) PC license tied to the 

network interface card (NIC) ID. 


Float license – a license type which can support multiple users on multiple machines or in a server environment. 


Thanks & Regards, 

Cheau Yi 

Intel Programmable Solutions Group " 


Hope it can help you... kind regards. Wen.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  


  • The full price for the AOCL SDK license from Altera is US$995. I asked Terasic about that OpenCL bundle you linked to, but they don't allow you to buy the bundle from them unless you buy the $8000 DE5-Net. For the DE1-SoC, you have to get the license from Altera. 

  • You don't need a paid Quartus Prime Standard/Pro license to use the AOCL SDK. It works fine with Quartus Prime Lite Edition (the free version) 



--- Quote End ---  


Hi rxxq, 


The Altera Quartus Prime Comparison Chart in the following link: 


shows a blank for Quartus Prime Lite Edition on the Altera SDK for OpenCL block. It shows "Available for purchase" on Quartus Prime Standard and Pro. Can you confirm that Quartus Prime Lite Edition allows the use of the OpenCL SDK with only the purchase of a license for the SDK itself and not Quartus Prime?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Hi Wen, 


I was in contact with Altera this week with some of the same questions, and here is what I know: 


  • The license is generated using your computer's MAC address. It's intended for use on one computer. 

  • It's a perpetual license, so you can use it forever 

  • There is a 60-day trial that you can get by contacting them 

  • The full price for the AOCL SDK license from Altera is US$995. I asked Terasic about that OpenCL bundle you linked to, but they don't allow you to buy the bundle from them unless you buy the $8000 DE5-Net. For the DE1-SoC, you have to get the license from Altera. 

  • You don't need a paid Quartus Prime Standard/Pro license to use the AOCL SDK. It works fine with Quartus Prime Lite Edition (the free version) 



Hope this helps! If you find out that there is special pricing for academic use, please let me know too. I'm currently on the 60-day trial and I'm a student too, so if there is a academic discount that would help me out alot. 

--- Quote End ---  




hi rxxq, 


Could you share the link to ask for the 60 day trial license please??? 


I need some of your help!!! 


Kind Regards!
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

hi,there do you solve the licence problem ,I meet the same situation. I am a student too,I need your help!

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi zhfk, 


As a student, your best bet is to ask your professor to apply at Altera university program (look at the message on Jan 29, 2016). Once Altera approves your request. everything would just appear simple. Make sure to ask for both Quartus and OCL license. You can ask multiple copies (we have asked for 5) and each fixed-node license works for all users in that node/server. 



--- Quote Start ---  

hi,there do you solve the licence problem ,I meet the same situation. I am a student too,I need your help! 

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0 Kudos

what if we have a license but we lost the permission to use it after formatting laptop ?

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