Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16750 Discussions

remote farm machine setup


I am trying hard to setup the remote farm machine but successfull in this.I have searched a lot in google and i found one video related to this but very bad explanation.Please help me how to do this in design space explorer in quartus prime using ssh.


Thanks in advance..!

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2 Replies

Hi @mahender 


What operating system are you using? Windows or Linux?

Could you try to run quartus_dse --help in the command prompt?

It will print out the following online help related to ssh:


SSH Example:


SSH Prerequisites:

Before running an ssh remote compilation, be sure you can ssh to

the remote host without having to enter a password or private

key passphrase. Check the following:


1. Confirm the public ssh key pair that corresponds to

the private ssh key you want to use is appended to the

user's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 file on the remote host.


2. Windows PuTTY users (skip if connecting from Linux):

PuTTY uses a different ssh key file format called *.ppk.

A Linux ssh private key (id_rsa) file needs to be converted

to the *.ppk format using puttygen.

Run puttygen and click on its Conversions->Import key menu option.

Then press "Save private key" to enter a filename for the ppk file.


3. Run the ssh key agent and register the private ssh key

with the key agent program. This is a one-time setup to decrypt

private ssh keys and make them accessible to the ssh client.

Note: This step needs to be repeated every time the machine is rebooted.


Linux example adding private key to key agent:

> ssh-add <path to private ssh key>


Windows PuTTY example adding private key to key agent:

> pageant <path to private ssh key>.ppk


4. Remote connect to host and confirm connection can

be completed without having to enter password or passphrase.


> ssh -i <private ssh key file> -l <user name> hostname


Windows PuTTY:

> plink -i <private key *.ppk file> -l <user name> hostname


Linux SSH Example 1: Launch an ssh Remote Compilation To a Remote Linux Host.


> quartus_dse --launcher ssh --num-seeds 2




Windows SSH Example 2a: Using PuTTY's ssh Client to Launch

an ssh Remote Compilation to a Remote Linux Host:


Start the PuTTY ssh key agent


> pageant c:\mykeys\my_pkey.ppk


The path to plink.exe and the private key

should use the '/' character and can not contain any spaces.


The ssh-farm-args arguments should be on one line.

It is split for readability here.


> quartus_dse --num-seeds 2 --launcher ssh






farm_os=linux one_reg


Windows SSH Example 2b: Windows Local Host Using PuTTY's plink Client to

Launch to Windows Running a Cygwin sshd Server:

Paths that are to be used by the remote host need to

use /cygdrive/. References to the shared S:\ path are

mapped to /cygdrive/s on the remote Windows host.


> pageant c:\mykeys\my_pkey.ppk


> quartus_dse --launcher ssh







local_remote_path_map=S:\;/cygdrive/s/ one_reg



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I have yet to receive any response from you to the previous question/reply/answer that I have provided but I believed that I have answered your question. 
With that, I will now transition this thread to community support. If you have a new question, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Otherwise, the community users will continue to help you on this thread. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Richard Tan

p/s: If any answer from the community or Intel support are helpful, please feel free to give Kudos. 

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