Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16677 Discussions

verilog 'default' value in quartus throws Err10818

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 


yesterday I got a problem while adapting an foreign project in verilog for my testboard. The code includes a lot of lines where a kind of default value has been defined and quartus always throws an error 10818 saying that it is not able to synthesise this code. 


The code always follows the following pattern: 


always @(posedge ...) aout <= 0; if (...) begin if (...) begin if (...) begin aout <= 1; end else begin ... end ... end ... end My experience is very limited, but I think that this code is not following the code style guidelines, although modelsim and an actel compiler seem to tolerate this code. It would be a lot of work to assign 'aout' in all "else" cases and I am sure I would miss one. 


ok, but is there any way to define a kind of 'default' value, for all if-branches, where 'aout' is not assigned that is following the code style guidelines ? 


thanks for your help. 

any hints for documentation about this pattern are welcome. 


cheers, eag1e
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7 Replies
Honored Contributor II

This code is badly written. 

If you don't have time to rewrite it completely i can give a suggestion. 


What if you create two procedural blocks? 

One should generate the "aout" signal in a combinatorial way and hence is not synchronized by the clock. 

The second one is a simple flip flop that synchronizes the signal. 


Maybe that in this way the synthesizer has a simplified life.
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks nplttr for your suggestion, 


probably this will be the best way.  

The whole structure is difficult to understand because I think it's written far to complicated. 


It just seemed that I found the real reason for the quartus-error and I have to say, I have hidden the most important part: 


always @(posedge wb_rst_i) aout <= 0; if (wb_rst_i) begin if (...) begin if (...) begin aout <= 1; end else begin ... end ... end ... end elseif (...) begin ... aout <= 1; ... end  


So I think the main problem quartus has, is that there are both clock edges used due to the 'elseif' in the end.  


But why the hell, is it synthesisable when I comment out the first 'aout <= 0' ?
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Honored Contributor II

The code doesn't look like a double edge triggered (that is however not synthesizable). 

You only have the posedge wb_rst_i in the sensitivity list (for a double edge you should have "posedge ... or negedge ..."). 


Did you try as I said? 

My idea is: 

always @(every signal on the right side of the assignments) aout_comb <= 0; if (wb_rst_i) begin if (...) begin if (...) begin aout <= 1; end else begin ... end ... end ... end elseif (...) begin ... aout_comb <= 1; ... end 


always @(posedge wb_rst_i) 


aout <= aout_comb; 

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Honored Contributor II

hmm, bad - you're right.  

Time to go for a walk - I seem to have tomatoes on my eyes. 


No sry, I didn't try it yet, because it's not only aout, there are 7 registers in a really huge if-else-tree, that cannot be infered. 


I'm just on my way to split it like you said - its a lot of work - but nobody told me that a wishbone-controller would be easy. 


thanks :)
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Honored Contributor II

Hello again, 


quartus is going to drive me crazy. 


at first nplttr, no - it didn't work. 

So I tried to write the controller for my own memory bus first and earned the same: 


--- Quote Start ---  

Error (10818): Can't infer register for "fb_data[0]" at SD_controller_FlexBus.vhd(26) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge 


--- Quote End ---  


LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY SD_CONTROLLER_FB IS GENERIC( BUSWIDTH: natural := 8); PORT ( fb_data : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); fb_addr : in std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); fb_cs : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); fb_oe : in std_logic; fb_rw : in std_logic; fb_ale : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic; fb_rx_bd : out std_logic_vector(BUSWIDTH-1 downto 0); fb_tx_bd : in std_logic_vector(BUSWIDTH-1 downto 0) ); END SD_CONTROLLER_FB; ARCHITECTURE SD_CONTROLLER_FB_architecture OF SD_CONTROLLER_FB IS BEGIN PROCESS (fb_ale) BEGIN IF (rising_edge(fb_ale)) THEN fb_data <= "ZZZZZZZZ"; ELSE fb_data <= "11111111"; END IF; END PROCESS; END SD_CONTROLLER_FB_architecture;WHY ? there are 2 damn constants for now ?! 

At this stage its so easy that I would be able to solder this circuit. 


cheers, eag1e
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Honored Contributor II






does not work - also an Error 10818. 


The examples seem to be for a PLD. 

Is it a FPGA-specific problem???
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Honored Contributor II

You should stick to the standard process model to be sure it can be synthesized: 

process (clock,reset) begin if (reset='1') then -- reset condtions elsif rising_edge(clock) then -- clocked actions end if; end process;  

Don't try to do anything on the falling edge of the clock in the same process.
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