Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16886 Discussions

what is the meaning of"cant place all ram cells in design"?

Honored Contributor II

hi all: 

i make a project with quartus 11.1,and the chip is ep3c55f780c8. 

when i complie the design,an error occured.the message is"error(170040):cant place all ram cells in design".but the ram i use isnt over the chip. 

here is the sy 

nthesis result: 

total combinational functions 4129/55856(7%) 

dedicated logic registers 1882/55856(3%) 

total registers 3246 

total memory bits 2206720/2396160(92%) 


i instantiates 4 16k*32bit singal-port-ram 


does anybody know that?
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

On CIII devices, memory is fitted into M9k blocks. 

With 32bit wide ram you can only use 8/9 of each block and you are not allowed to use spare bits elsewhere. This is a device constraint. 


EP3C55 has 260 M9k blocks: each will be used in 256 x 32bit configuration, so you waste 256 x 4bits for each block. You need 256 blocks to synthesise your 2Mbit ram but you actually commit 2359296 physical memory bits.
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Honored Contributor II

thanks verymuch! 

so one m9k block can be used in 256x32bit or 256x36 bit,right? if i use 256x32bit,the other 256x4bit can be used for what?or be wasted?
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Honored Contributor II

The other is wasted.  

A M9k can't be shared between 2 devices.  

Same behaviour occurs when you don't use all addresses. For example if you only need a 200 x 36bit ram, the unused 56 x 36bit are wasted.
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