Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX)
Discussion board focused on hardware-based isolation and memory encryption to provide extended code protection in solutions.
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Intel® Software Guard Extensions SDK for Windows* OS Executable Installer Deprecation Announcement


What’s Changing?

Starting with the next release of the Intel® SGX SDK for Windows OS, the Windows installer previously available as an executable (.exe) installer will no longer be delivered/supported.  Going forward, Intel will provide a NuGet package for the Intel SGX SDK for Windows OS.  This NuGet package will be available from Intel Registration Center, as well as from


Recommended Actions

In preparation for this upcoming change, Intel strongly recommends downloading the current Intel SGX SDK for Windows OS from, uninstalling any currently installed Intel SGX SDK that was installed with an older “.exe” installer via the normal Windows uninstall mechanisms, and then installing the NuGet package and recompiling your enclaves to verify everything works.  For those who use a specialized build system outside of Visual Studio, we have attached instructions on how to use the Intel SGX SDK for Windows OS NuGet package.


Additional Detail regarding Intel SGX SDK for Windows OS debugger/wizard

The NuGet package for the SDK will not include the debugger/wizard, as VSIX extensions cannot be installed by the package. The VSIX extensions can be downloaded as part of the Intel SGX SDK package from Intel Registration Center.



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1 Reply

Then how it through sgx then.
I installed the zip file, extracted it and set the new path in Nuget manager inside VS.
Downloaded the sgx package displayed through the path in VS too but it still shows many errors.

Like "_u.h" cannot open file and many headers not found.

{SampleEnclave is not running properly}

Please guide

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