Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX)
Discussion board focused on hardware-based isolation and memory encryption to provide extended code protection in solutions.
1480 Discussions

[Remote attestation] unable to verify quote sig in middleware server (SP)


I'm getting the following logs from the intel middleware server:

Attestation server sent invalid signature - IAS is not authentic. Exiting...

CheckValidQuoteSignature(.) returning False.
Nonce is valid - IAS is authentic.

ProcessEPIDPseudonym(.) returning.
******* IAS is invalid!!! Bad signature or nonce
*****IAS Status Code: 7

This is for a production enclave, I have configured it to use the production SPID, IAS endpoint. My RKMod is the mod of the pubkey in I'm not sure if that requires configuring if so to what. Thanks in advance. 



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