Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler
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Compiler Optimization Report not available in Visual Studio 22


I've recently been trying to use the Intel oneAPI tools in Visual Studio 2022 for an HPC university project.


A tool that I'd like to use is the Compiler Optimization Report widget, which is supposed to show information generated by the optimization report for all the phases that it's divided into.

(Documentation, the newest I could find, for the tool in question.)


I've set the compiler to generate an optimization report (and output it to a file - this works fine and I can access the new file after every compile), however both the COR and the Compiler Inline Report aren't picking up anything from the compilation process, leaving me with empty widgets as shown below.



I've dabbled around compile options and couldn't get it to work.
Apparently it's been reported broken in a forum post back in 2021, and marked as "solved" with a mod suggesting to use the command prompt instead, which is a bit disappointing to be honest.


Has anyone got this to work? Everything's updated to latest version, of course.

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2 Replies

Same situation.

I'm using VisualStudio 2022 and DPC++ 2025.0. Compiling the DPC++ console application with the /Qopt-report:1 option outputs the optrpt files correctly, but they are not displayed in the VisualStudio window.


What am I missing?

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