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installing oneapi base toolkit with visual studio 2022 broke project


I have been working on an OpenCL/c++ project in visual studio 2022(Version 17.12.3) the project compiled and ran prior to installing oneAPI base 2025.0.1.47. 

after installing  oneAPI I rebooted. 

Opened VS,

cleaned project as I was having to do that between builds, or it wouldn't recompile the OpenCL portion.

tried to compile and run.  now it doesn't compile correctly and run. 


I was installing oneAPI hoping to try it instead of Nvidia for OpenCL. Was also interested in debugging and profiling tools. 

the project is attached. I don't understand why just installing oneAPI would break either the project or visual studio. I have not tried to uninstall oneAPI yet.

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4 Replies


I should have stated the project would appear to compile and try to run. It would return an error message saying it couldn't find any opencl devices. before it would run on either GPU (intel or the rtx3050, outputting text to a file and --list-devices showed both GPUs. 


I made a copy of the project and changed the props file to use the oneAPI 

<OPENCL_INCLUDE> C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\compiler\2025.0\include\sycl</OPENCL_INCLUDE>
<OPENCL_LIB>C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\2025.0\lib</OPENCL_LIB>

Now I get an error:

unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl CLKeySearchDevice::CLKeySearchDevice(unsigned __int64,int,int,int)" (??0CLKeySearchDevice@@QEAA@_KHHH@Z)



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Update 2 

I did a bit more testing. I tried running an already compiled opencl program and it crashed right after listing the 2 GPUs, regardless of which one I selected.It appears something got changed regarding OpenCL. I just don't know what.

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I tried it on my side. According to the instructions in the Readme, I built the `clKeyFinder` project. After adding the Intel OpenCL include path and library path or using the method you provided, I can build it without any errors. And I can run it with --list-devices,

>clBitCrack.exe --list-devices

ID:   0

Name:  12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1270P

Memory: 16051MB

Compute units: 16

ID:   1

Name:  Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics

Memory: 7093MB

Compute units: 96

ID:   2

Name:  Intel(R) FPGA Emulation Device

Memory: 16051MB

Compute units: 16

ID:   3

Name:  12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1270P

Memory: 16051MB

Compute units: 16

For the error you got, "unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl CLKeySearchDevice::CLKeySearchDevice(unsigned __int64,int,int,int)" (??0CLKeySearchDevice@@QEAA@_KHHH@Z)", taking a quick look at your source code, I think this symbol comes from the project CLKeySearchDevice. Please check whether the library CLKeySearchDevice.lib is generated.

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We haven't heard back from you for a long time so we are assuming that you have have found a solution on your own. If you need any additional assistance. please start a new thread. 

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